Tuesday, October 6, 2009

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Google Puts an .EXE File on their Homepage
October 6, 2009 at 3:34 pm

set google as homepage

This a screenshot of the Google homepage inside Internet Explorer.

If you click the "Update Now" link on the Google home page, it will download an executable file – setgooglesearch.exe – on the desktop that will set Google as the default search engine inside IE.

Now Google regularly uses that space to advertise their other products but I think its the first time that they have placed a direct link to an .exe file on the homepage. And since its not mentioned anywhere that the link points to an executable, most people would only realize it once they have clicked the link.

Do you agree with this approach?

Google Puts an .EXE File on their Homepage

Originally published at Digital Inspiration by Amit Agarwal.

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The New Yahoo! Ad for TV + an Easter Egg
October 6, 2009 at 12:13 pm

Yahoo! recently unveiled a new and very colorful TV ad and with that, they have also updated the cute song that’s long been hidden on their main home page.

yahoo_mp3Yahoo’s Easter Egg

If you have never heard that sound before, go to yahoo.com and click that dot on the Yahoo! logo.

Important: If you are reading this at work, make sure the speaker volume is set to low else your colleagues will also come to know that you are visiting Yahoo!.

The New Yahoo! Ad for TV + an Easter Egg

Originally published at Digital Inspiration by Amit Agarwal.

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Google India Offers Free Advertising Coupons to Attract Small Advertisers
October 6, 2009 at 10:28 am

google indiaGoogle India is giving away free AdWords coupons to businesses who own a website but have never used the Google platform before to advertise their website on the Internet.

Google will provide website owners with advertising coupons worth a certain value for free that they may use to advertise their site on Google search results pages and on external sites that run Google AdSense ads (like Digital Inspiration).

Get Free AdWords Coupons Worth $50

If you are a small or media business owner based in India who also has a website, here’s how you can request Google for free AdWords coupons:

1. Call Google India at this number – 1860 266 6622.

2. Register your website with the Google AdWords India platform by providing details about your business and your contact information.

3. The Google India representative will now set up your AdWords account.

Google will also credit INR 2,500.00 worth of advertising coupons to your AdWords account that you may later use for advertising your business on Google pages as well as other non-Google sites on the web.

In addition to free coupons, you’ll also get customer support for one month to help you manage you online advertising campaigns.

This move will probably help Google attract advertisers in India who have small budgets but have never experimented with online advertising before. They can now try the AdWords system without spending a penny and, if the outcome is positive, they’ll continue to do so even after they’ve redeemed all the free coupons.

It looks like a very straight-forward process but I have not been able to test it since my site is already registered with the AdWords system.

Google India Offers Free Advertising Coupons to Attract Small Advertisers

Originally published at Digital Inspiration by Amit Agarwal.

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Adobe's Desktop Client for Facebook is Better than the Official App
October 6, 2009 at 8:22 am

facebook desktop client Some of may know that Facebook provides a desktop client – Facebook for AIR – that you may use to update your own status on Facebook from the desktop or for reading status updates, notes, photos and other items posted by your other Facebook friends.

This "official" desktop client is built using Adobe AIR and therefore works on Mac and Windows alike.

There’s however a problem with the client – it offers very limited functionality and there’s no support for notifications so you won’t come to know of new updates in your news-steam unless the Facebook for AIR client is running in the foreground.

In fact, you can use Twitter clients like Seesmic or TweetDeck to track Facebook updates without logging into the Facebook website and these clients even provide desktop notifications so you’ll probably find them for useful than the official Facebook app.

Facebook Desktop Client for Adobe AIR

If you are a Facebook addict but aren’t really satisfied with the official Facebook client, here’s something you’ll absolutely love.  Adobe has released a new desktop client for Facebook – Photo Uploader* – that lets you do everything on Facebook from the desktop itself including chat.

Here’s a quick run-down of the features in Adobe’s desktop client for Facebook.

facebook window client

You can chose to run Adobe’s Facebook Client in either the narrow mode or the wide mode that displays image thumbnails and also lets you comment on Facebook posts from the desktop itself (see the next screenshot).

comment on facebook status

You can click the name of any Facebook contact in your news stream and it will open his or her complete profile in the desktop client itself without launching the browser.

You may then see what groups are they subscribed to and what Facebook pages that they are a fan of.

view facebook profile

And, as obvious from the name of the Facebook client, you can not only upload photos from the desktop to your online Facebook photo albums but may also view existing Facebook albums as a self-running slideshow on the desktop without having to download that album.

upload photo albums

And like the official Facebook App, this un-official but better desktop client for Facebook is also powered by Adobe AIR and you may therefore install it on Windows, Mac and Linux. Give it a shot, it’s good.

Adobe’s Desktop Client for Facebook is Better than the Official App

Originally published at Digital Inspiration by Amit Agarwal.

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Make Your Phone Number Memorable
October 6, 2009 at 4:38 am

mobile phone key padThe number for Facebook in India is 9232232665. That may sound a bit complex but it’s actually very easy to remember because if you break it down, the last eight digits of the phone number would spell as ‘facebook’.

Therefore, you can simply dial 92facebook using the standard key pad of any mobile phone or landline phone and your message will reach Zuckerberg’s server.

What does this phone number spell?

When you are applying for a new phone number, the telecom company will almost always provide you with a series of numbers from where you can pick one of your choice.

Most people prefer to go with numerical patterns – like 3366 (double digits), 4567 (sequences), 2468 (even or odd combinations) – but there’s another option, you can try picking up numbers that spell something memorable like your name or a city or even a popular brand.

If you need help in finding memorable words, phrases or even abbreviations that may be hidden inside those complex phone numbers, some good online tools that can help you in the quest are available at phonetic.com, mbhs.edu, phonespell.com and dialABC.com.

They all work the same. You enter a phone number and the service will try to list all the different words and phrases that your phone number spells like. Some of the suggestions are obviously meaningless, but there might be a couple or so that are real or semi-real phrases.

You may use these services while short-listing a new phone number or even when you are looking for a more memorable representation of your existing phone number.

From 4004563 to GOOG-JOE

For instance, one on my landline numbers is 4004563 but a more memorable representation of the same number, that I only found through one of these services, is GOOG-Joe – most people know about GOOG-411 so GOOG-Joe is not that bad a choice.

Some of you may not feel very comfortable sharing your personal phone number on an external website but I think if you remove the area code and your country code, it should be fine. Or maybe you can split the telephone number into two parts before looking for words that your phone number spells like.

Related: Spell Your Name on the Phone

Make Your Phone Number Memorable

Originally published at Digital Inspiration by Amit Agarwal.

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