Preparing play dough at home is very easy to make and also easy to store. There are a certain things which are needed before getting started with it. They are as follows:
1 ½ cups of flour
½ cup salt
1 cup water
1 cup vegetable oil
2 teaspoons cream of tarter
Food coloring
After having assembled all these stuff, we can get down with the act of preparing play dough at home. Let's have a look at the step by step guide given below:
Mix flour, salt, water, cream of tarter and vegetable oil in a saucepan and then put it over medium heat. You will need to stir until all the ingredients mix together. This process should roughly take 5minutes.
After this, you have your play dough ready. It might be a bit runny until it cools. But if you notice that it is still runny after cooling then add more flour.
You can involve your kids in this process and let them enjoy the pride of preparing something themselves. Incase you need to flatten the dough, then use rolling pins and if you have cookie cutters, then use them to get attractive shapes of the play dough.
You can always dye your play dough with attractive colors like red, blue or orange. Let the kids choose the colors of the play dough they want to play with. This process initiates learning within kids about color identification.
Storing this play dough that you have prepared is not that tough. Use zip lock packs or air tight containers to store the play dough in the fridge. It can be stored for about 2 weeks.
Preparing play dough at home can be both cheap and a fun filled activity. So just give it a try!!
How to Grow Your Hair OutHair styles are in and out of fashion almost every day! Every one of us is confused whether to wear our hair short or to leave it long and straight. Well, if you have cut your hair short and now you want it the other way then the process is not so easy. But still there are certain methods which can help you grow your hair out. Let's have a look at the following:
1. Trying to grow your hair out can be stressful but you just need to keep your calm and eat a proper diet, get lots of sleep and have regular scalp massages. 2. Try being creative and play up your face. Make people look at your face rather than your hair. 3. Whenever you go out, have the perfect makeup on. This can make you feel attractive and will also boost your self confidence. 4. Try and experiment with accessories of different sizes and hues on your hair. You can doll yourself up with anything ranging from hair pins to scarves. Trying something different will shift the focus of people from the fact that you are currently in the midway of growing your hair out. 5. Use genuine hair care products like sprays or gels which will enhance your hair growth. Do not fall prey to cheap and lucrative products which promise in growing hair fast. Be your own judge. 6. Apart from all these exterior aspects, there is another vital point which needs consideration. Just de-stress yourself and see the results. Science has proven that hair grows faster if a person is calm and satisfied. There is a direct link between your state of mind and the hair growth. So just chill and have fun. In the meantime, just have lots of good and healthy food and break the barriers in accessorizing your hair.
Drawing dragons is not as tough as it seems. In fact it is a lot easier! Let us have a look at the steps involved in drawing a dragon.
Start with drawing a right triangle. Keep this at the centre of the page so that it becomes his face. Put the right angle at the top right and the left side a bit longer than the right one. Let the hypotenuse face downwards.
For drawing the jaw, just add another obtuse triangle joined at the bottom of his face. The longest line of the obtuse triangle should be at the bottom.
For the nose, draw a small equilateral triangle near the end but make sure it doesn't touch the bottom.
Draw a pointy triangle on the right side of the right angle for the dragon's ear.
For the eye, draw a semicircle inside the big triangle and put a slit in it. Also draw a straight line close off the semicircle.
Add a ridge in the face just to make your dragon look real.
Draw some small triangles inside the mouth which will act as his teeth.
For the neck, just draw one simple curve from below the ear. A semicircle would be more apt here. A second curve is needed which has to be more S shaped and will start from the bottom of his jaw.
Draw some small triangles along the back of his neck. This will now resemble a triceratops face with a collar of spikes.
Draw wavy lines which come out from his mouth. These are flames of the dragon which breathes fire.
If you want to make the drawing appear more realistic, then you can always go ahead and round out some of the triangles and also put in some shading.
Well, if you are looking for something called the 'Trojan Virus' you probably know that your computer needs some serious cleaning. Next you may wonder why it is called the Trojan Virus. Here's some help on how to find and bust these virus. The Trojan virus derives its name from the Greek Trojan Horse that found its way into Troy. The Trojan horse was a trap since it was a huge wooden horse packed with soldiers inside it that was used to conquer the city of Troy by the Greeks. The Trojan virus is called so since it is a virus that could be hidden under any name. You cannot pick and say where the virus could be hiding. Similarly the Trojan virus disguises itself under safe files names and attacks your computer. It seems like a harmless piece of software but enters and picks important pieces of information such as credit card number, account number etc. So how do you get rid of a Trojan virus?
Find out how the Trojan virus entered your computer system. It could be a normal looking file, like an mp3 music file, a patch for a game, an online video, or even a jpeg image file. It could be anything. So it leaves a lot of possibilities to corrupt and damage the system.
Ensure your anti-virus software is running and up-to-date. This is the first thing to do when you are trying to get rid of a Trojan virus.
Computer viruses can be tricky. So run a system scan and quarantine your files and folders.
Delete files that you do not need. Rid your computer of unused data. it will also make your machine run faster.
Press Control, Alt, Del on your computer and check if any programs have started without your knowledge.
Open the control panel and remove unwanted files.
Take care of your computer regularly. Always keep an anti-virus running and do a regular scan.
You can even assign a task of defragmenting. It may take time but keeps your computer safe.
Make it a habit to see what kind of files you are sharing or allowing access to your computer.
Keep a check on your internet history. It always helps to know which websites you have visited and avoid the ones that can be dangerous.
It is always advisable to make a note of the personal details you give away online. Banking online, buying gifts, shopping demands high security passwords and numbers that you must be extra careful before giving away. Never reply to spam mails. Always run spyware scanning and anti-virus software that can get rid of the Trojan virus in your computer system and also check the entry of any more infections.
Most of us enjoy having sun bath and lazing around on beaches. But nobody likes to lose their glowing fair complexion by getting tanned. Many a times even after using sunscreen and other lotions in order to prevent the skin from harsh rays of sun, it somehow manages to sneak in, causing tans.
If you have developed strong tanning on your skin and feel disgusted about it, then do not bother much. There are several methods for removing tan. Following are some of the home remedial measures that have proven to be effective in most of the cases. However, it may take some time to get back to normal skin. So, be patient for a sure result that may not be instant but definitely effective.
Methods to Remove Tan
Make a paste of powdered oatmeal, yogurt and few drops of lime and tomato juice. Apply the paste on the tanned area and leave it for sometime. Wash off with cold water.
Take a few teaspoons of hot coconuts oil and add to it few camphor pieces. Apply it on the affected area every night before going to bed. When done regularly for some time, there are good chances of achieving desired results.
Make a fine paste of sandalwood powder with coconut oil and almond oil. Apply the paste on the exposed area and leave it for some time before washing it off with cold water.
Apply butter milk using cotton balls on the tanned areas.
Make a paste of turmeric powder and lime juice and apply it just before taking bath or washing your face. Turmeric is natural bleach that makes skin fairer.
Cucumber juice is really effective on tans. If you have formed patches on your skin due to tanning, then simply rub cucumber slices on the affected areas.
The white portion of egg is also good for skin. You can apply it on your tanned skin and wash it off. With regular use you will see the difference.
Soak some almonds overnight and grind them. Add equal quantities of milk cream and apply to your tanned skin
Curd is also every effective on tans. Apply curd on face for 5 minutes and then wash off.
Try the papaya pieces on your tanned skin. The properties of papaya act as a skin whitening.
Apart from using these natural home remedies, you can also try out some ointments and creams to facilitate the process of getting back normal skin complexion. It may take time but the normal skin complexion will return. You must know the body sheds off dead skin cells from time to time and hence getting back normal complexion is achievable.
Lactocalamine lotion applied before bed facilitates the tanning removal process.
Always use sunblock crème with SPF not less than 15.
Mermaids are sea creatures that have a woman’s head and body with the tail of a fish. They are often depicted as having long, flowing hair, beautiful face and nice curvaceous figure. Highly feminine and alluring, these creatures have been presented beautifully by different artists through their sketches and paintings.
If you too are fascinated with the beauty of mermaids and want to re-create their charm on your canvass, then following instructions will help you to draw a mermaid:
First, draw a small circle for the head and then a long hooked curve from that circle that will form the base line for body of the mermaid.
For the shoulders, draw a line where the neckline ends. Also add a straight line intersecting the hooked curve at center. This will indicate the hip portion.
Now draw a long tumbler or glass shape just beneath the shoulders lines for the torso. This will form the mermaid’s beautiful figure. Also add a curving hook like shape to create the maiden’s enchanting tail.
Add two circles at the torso portion for the mermaid’s chest. At the end of the hook shaped tail add a hood shape to form the main fin that helps her in swimming. It is always better to create a bigger fin because it looks more realistic and beautiful.
Now start shaping up the entire figure of the mermaid. All you need to do is to transform the plain lines into finer curves and shapes to give a beautiful curvaceous figure to your mermaid.
Shape up the fat tail properly. Try to make it thinner and filled with movement. Make sure the mermaid does not look very stiff otherwise it will lose its beauty and charm. So, make the tail and torso look more flexible by fine tuning the drawn lines into desired curves.
At the back of the round head add a big fluffed shape for making hair of mermaid. Add more detail to hair like long locks, to ensure it looks very real and alluring.
Add few more lines representing abs in the stomach area. Just in the middle of the chest and stomach simply add a motion line that would give your mermaid motion. Also make some lines at the tail to give the creature the muscles to swim
Now work on the hands. You can make one hand outstretched and the other positioned at the back of the head. Make fine lines to make the hands and add required details.
Now erase all the unwanted lines and your mermaid is done. Add colors to make your sketch more attractive. If you wish, you can also add something in background like water or may be a dolphin. This will make your drawing lovelier.
Brisket is a cut of meat (generally of beef or veal) from the breast or lower chest portion. Different methods can be used for cooking different flavored brisket items like roasted, grilled or even smoked variety. It is a tough cut meat and so to ensure it gets properly cooked you must go for a method that involves slow cooking, under low flame. This method also ensures your cooked meat is tender and juicy and hence tastier and flavor able.
If you want to know an easy to cook method for preparing delicious brisket item, then following recipe can be of help to you:
Firstly, trim the excess fat from the brisket so that your marinades get properly absorbed into the meat. In the presence of excess fat, the marinades fail to absorb through the fat and hence the meat lacks the desirable flavor.
After cleaning the brisket properly, place it in a shallow dish and pour the marinade that you have prepared over the meat. You can prepare marinade of your choice by using different ingredients that could add perfect flavor to your dish. After marinating the meat, leave it for 5 to 6 hours. You can also keep it overnight in the refrigerator.
Now remove the marinade brisket from the fridge and place it on a large plate. Rub spices to the meat. You can use different spices as per the flavor you desire to have like pepper, garlic, parsley flakes, onion powder and not to forget salt.
Place the brisket over low flame on the grills and cover it.
Continue to cook the dish for 12 to 14 hours. Check the brisket every hour to ensure the heat level is consistent and each portion of the meat is being cooked uniformly.
In the meanwhile, prepare base for the dish. Take some butter or cooking oil in a pan and heat it. Add the remaining marinade, worcestershire sauce or any other sauce of your choice, brown sugar and some water to the pan. Cook for 10 to 12 minutes on simmer.
Now remove the cooked brisket from the grill and place it in the base that you prepared. Allow it to settle for 15 minutes and then slice the meat.
Tip to Remember
Avoid overcooking your beef brisket, or cooking it at too high a temperature. This is because they cause all the flavored meat juices to dry out, making the meat tasteless and hard.
If you are working hard on your body especially on your abs and seeing results that take too long to show up then you need to relook at your exercise regimen and diet. No strategy works the same for everyone, so be kind to your body and remember that it takes patience and hard work to get those most sought-after abs on your body. Even those who exercise regularly need to put in hard work to get those muscles in the desired shape.
It is time you changed your diet pattern and exercised the correct way on the correct time.
You first need to burn the extra fat and get your metabolism working for you. Start eating smaller meals at regular intervals. Increase your intake of protein. You can try a combination of banana blended in milk. You can even take raw eggs beaten in milk. This is the best dose of protein your body can get. There are specials protein powders available that you can add to milk and consume. You can take a dietician advice for doing so.
Remember that each body is different with different needs so it is best to consult a dietician before you make any diet changes. Eat raw vegetables, cut saturated fats since a sculpted body needs less fat on the belly.
Practice more cardio exercises and get some strength training. Make the workout more challenging by doing crunches and leg lifts. Add a 30 minutes cardio session every week. Don't give up if you see no fat burning immediately.
Give your body the privilege on working on the areas to need to shape up. A tired body is less likely to put in that extra effort to work on specific areas that you need to work on. Give your more attention if you want to develop them.
Think less and do not worry. Exercise alternate day to let your body rest. Working out everyday to get some good abs will only lead to frustration and may be an injury. Bulk up your muscles by lifting heavier weights. Try a variety of exercises for your overall body.
Avoid neglecting your overall body in the desire of achieving muscular abs. Skip, sit up or simply practice stretching to give your body a good workout. Work on each area and keep going on. Staying motivated is the most important thing when you are looking for real results. Pick three to four stomach exercise and keep practising them. Lift weights. Keep increasing them. Take professional help if you require because it is very important that you perform the exercises correctly. You do not want wasting time and energy in doing something incorrect. It is a major reason why people do not or see slow results.
Once you see your abs forming do not stop. You have to maintain them. You have worked hard at acquiring them. A daily dose of some good exercise and a good diet will let your abs be your prise and envy of others.
While being a scene kid comes naturally to some, there are others who need to make some efforts to achieve it. If you want to become a scene kid but do not know the right way then you must watch other scene kids and analyze their style and attitude. Try to incorporate their striking features in your personality but with a difference. Simply imitating some one may not be the right option, so attend spy kid's shows and look online to get an idea how you can get a perfect spy kid look.
Following instructions will further help you understand how you can be a scene kid:
Ger right hair style: You must select a right hairstyle for yourself which is unique yet eye-catchy. You can dye your hair with a funky color that is contrast to your original hair color. Adding neon or other bright colored streaks is a good hair styling option. You can go for long, short, curly or straight hair, but make sure that it stands out in crowd.
Choose Appropriate Dress: Arrange for a scene kid wardrobe that has tight fitting, straight or pencil-legged jeans paired up with classy pair of shoes. Ensure your wardrobe has plenty of tight rock band T-shirts so that you can try each one on different days. Wash patterns in red, black, gray, or even white are most flattering on a boy scene kid. Girls aspiring to be scene kid must have tank-top dresses, sweater dresses, cardigans, and patterned tights in their wardrobe. Grey, black and white is best for girls.
Accessories: To get a complete scene look, you must accessorize yourself properly. Use bright colored belts with large buckles. Wear oversized glasses that can make your appearance very striking.
Wear Eye make-Up: Use eye liners to outline your eyes. Eye make up is an important part of a scene kid get up. While boys must prefer to use light color shades, girls can opt for bright colored eye liners.
Get the attitude right: A mix of happy-go-lucky attitude and some randomness and angst is all that you must have in you. Use the contrasting combination to achieve the right scene kid attitude that is at times very random and happy and at times emo. Whatever you do, make sure it really looks genuine and you do not over do it.
Enjoy music: Enjoy listening to techno, rock and hip hop types of music. Attend shows where your favorite bands are playing and try to familiarize yourself with the artist as a person. There are many scene kids who memorize all the songs from a particular band of their choice and also buy all of their CD’s.
Become active on social networking sites: Use different social networking sites like MySpace, Facebook and others to tell the world about the things you are doing with relevant pictures and graphics
Set a New Trend: Once you get yourself known in the scene community and familiarize yourself with the scene culture, try to start a new trend. When you enjoy desirable credibility in your social clique, then starting a new trend becomes easier and very satisfying.
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