Sunday, October 11, 2009

10/12 Electronics

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How Plasma Displays Work
October 11, 2009 at 10:15 am

For the past 75 years, the vast majority of televisions have
been built around the same technology: the cathode ray tube
(CRT). In a CRT television, a gun fires a beam of electrons
(negatively-charged particles) inside a large glass tube. The
electrons excite phosphor atoms along the wide end of the
tube (the screen), which causes the phosphor atoms to light
up. The television image is produced by lighting up different
areas of the phosphor coating with different colors at
different intensities.

Cathode ray tubes produce crisp, vibrant images, but they do
have a serious drawback: They are bulky. In order to increase
the screen width in a CRT set, you also have to increase the
length of the tube (to give the scanning electron gun room to
reach all parts of the screen). Consequently, any big-screen
CRT television is going to weigh a ton and take up a sizable
chunk of a room.

A new alternative has popped up on store shelves: the plasma
flat panel display. These televisions have wide screens,
comparable to the largest CRT sets, but they are only about 6
inches (15 cm) thick. In this article, we'll see how these
sets do so much in such a small space.

If you've read How Television Works, then you understand the
basic idea of a standard television or monitor. Based on the
information in a video signal, the television lights up
thousands of tiny dots (called pixels) with a high-energy
beam of electrons. In most systems, there are three pixel
colors -- red, green and blue -- which are evenly distributed
on the screen. By combining these colors in different
proportions, the television can produce the entire color

The basic idea of a plasma display is to illuminate tiny,
colored fluorescent lights to form an image. Each pixel is
made up of three fluorescent lights -- a red light, a green
light and a blue light. Just like a CRT television, the
plasma display varies the intensities of the different lights
to produce a full range of colors.

What is plasma?

The central element in a fluorescent light is a plasma, a gas
made up of free-flowing ions (electrically charged atoms) and
electrons (negatively charged particles). Under normal
conditions, a gas is mainly made up of uncharged particles.
That is, the individual gas atoms include equal numbers of
protons (positively charged particles in the atom's nucleus)
and electrons. The negatively charged electrons perfectly
balance the positively charged protons, so the atom has a net
charge of zero.

If you introduce many free electrons into the gas by
establishing an electrical voltage across it, the situation
changes very quickly. The free electrons collide with the
atoms, knocking loose other electrons. With a missing
electron, an atom loses its balance. It has a net positive
charge, making it an ion.

In a plasma with an electrical current running through it,
negatively charged particles are rushing toward the
positively charged area of the plasma, and positively charged
particles are rushing toward the negatively charged area.

­In this mad rush, particles are constantly bumping into each
other. These collisions excite the gas atoms in the plasma,
causing them to release photons of energy.

Xenon and neon atoms, the atoms used in plasma screens,
release light photons when they are excited. Mostly, these
atoms release ultraviolet light photons, which are invisible
to the human eye. But ultraviolet photons can be used to
excite visible light photons.

Inside a Plasma Display

The xenon and neon gas in a plasma television is contained in
hundreds of thousands of tiny cells positioned between two
plates of glass. Long electrodes are also sandwiched between
the glass plates, on both sides of the cells. The address
electrodes sit behind the cells, along the rear glass plate.
The transparent display electrodes, which are surrounded by
an insulating dielectric material and covered by a magnesium
oxide protective layer, are mounted above the cell, along the
front glass plate.

Both sets of electrodes extend across the entire screen. The
display electrodes are arranged in horizontal rows along the
screen and the address electrodes are arranged in vertical
columns. As you can see in the diagram below, the vertical
and horizontal electrodes form a basic grid.

To ionize the gas in a particular cell, the plasma display's
computer charges the electrodes that intersect at that cell.
It does this thousands of times in a small fraction of
a second, charging each cell in turn.

When the intersecting electrodes are charged (with a voltage
difference between them), an electric current flows through
the gas in the cell. As we saw in the last section, the
current creates a rapid flow of charged particles, which
stimulates the gas atoms to release ultraviolet photons.

The released ultraviolet photons interact with phosphor
material coated on the inside wall of the cell. Phosphors are
substances that give off light when they are exposed to other
light. When an ultraviolet photon hits a phosphor atom in the
cell, one of the phosphor's electrons jumps to a higher
energy level and the atom heats up. When the electron falls
back to its normal level, it releases energy in the form of
a visible light photon.

The phosphors in a plasma display give off colored light when
they are excited. Every pixel is made up of three separate
subpixel cells, each with different colored phosphors. One
subpixel has a red light phosphor, one subpixel has a green
light phosphor and one subpixel has a blue light phosphor.
These colors blend together to create the overall color of
the pixel.

By varying the pulses of current flowing through the
different cells, the control system can increase or decrease
the intensity of each subpixel color to create hundreds of
different combinations of red, green and blue. In this way,
the control system can produce colors across the entire

The main advantage of plasma display technology is that you
can produce a very wide screen using extremely thin materials.
And because each pixel is lit individually, the image is very
bright and looks good from almost every angle. The image
quality isn't quite up to the standards of the best cathode
ray tube sets, but it certainly meets most people's

The biggest drawback of this technology has been the price.
However, falling prices and advances in technology mean that
the plasma display may soon edge out the old CRT sets.

Building a Digital Thermometer
October 11, 2009 at 10:13 am

Now that you understand a little bit about your Stamp and the
LCD, we can add another component and create a digital
thermometer. To create a thermometer, we will use a chip
called the DS1620. This chip contains:

* A temperature-sensing device
* An analog-to-digital (A/D) converter for the
temperature-sensing device
* A shift register to read the data out of the A/D
* A little EEPROM (electrically erasable programmable
read-only memory) to remember settings

The DS1620 has two modes: In one mode, it acts as
a stand-alone thermostat chip, and in the other mode you hook
it up to a computer and use it as a thermometer. The EEPROM
remembers the current mode as well as the set temperatures
for the thermostat.

Hooking up the DS1620 to the Stamp is very easy. The DS1620
comes in an 8-pin chip. Supply +5 volts from the Stamp to pin
8 of the DS1620. Supply ground to pin 4 of the DS1620. You
then use three I/O pins from the Stamp to drive three pins on
the DS1620:

* Pin 1 on the DS1620 is the data pin. You read and write
data bits on this pin.
* Pin 2 on the DS1620 is the clock pin. You clock data in
and out of the shift register with this pin.
* Pin 3 on the DS1620 is the reset/select pin. You set
pin 3 high to select the chip and communicate with it.

For this example code, it is assumed that:

* The data pin goes to I/O pin 2 on the Stamp.
* The clock pin goes to I/O pin 1 on the Stamp.
* The reset/select pin goes to I/O pin 0 on the Stamp.

The completed wiring looks like the picture.

You can get a DS1620 either from Jameco (part number 146456)
or Parallax (part number 27917) in an "application kit" that
includes the chip, the capacitor, some good documentation and
sample code. Or you can buy the chip on its own from Jameco
(part number 114382). I would suggest getting the application
kit the first time you try using the DS1620 because the
documentation is very useful.

You can assemble the DS1620 in the prototype area of the
Stamp carrier board or on a separate breadboard. Once you
have assembled it, hook your LCD display up to I/O pin 3 of
the Stamp, and then load and run the following program:

symbol RST = 0 ' select/reset line on 1620
symbol CLK = 1 ' clock line for shift registers on 1620
symbol DQ = 2 ' data line on 1620
symbol DQ_PIN = pin2 ' pin representation for DQ
symbol LCD = 3 ' data line for LCD

low RST ' deselect the 1620 unless talking to it
high CLK ' clock pin on 1620 should default high
pause 1000 ' wait for the thermometer and LCD to boot

high RST ' select the 1620
b0 = $0C ' $0c is the 1620 command byte
' saying "Write Config"
gosub shift_out ' send it to the 1620
b0 = %10 ' %10 is the 1620 command byte
' to set thermometer mode
gosub shift_out ' send it to the 1620
low RST ' deselect the 1620
pause 50 ' delay 50ms for EEPROM

b0 = $EE ' $EE is the 1620 command byte
' to start conversions
high RST ' select the 1620
gosub shift_out ' send it to the 1620
low RST ' deselect the 1620

' This is the main loop
' - reads and displays temperature every second
high RST ' select the 1620
b0 = $AA ' $AA is the 1620 command byte
' for reading temperature
gosub shift_out ' send it to the 1620
gosub shift_in ' read the temperature
' from the 1620
low RST ' deselect the DS1620.
gosub display ' display the temp in degrees C
pause 1000 ' wait a second
goto main_loop

' The shift_out subroutine sends whatever is in
' the b0 byte to the 1620
output DQ ' set the DQ pin to
' output mode
for b2 = 1 to 8
low CLK ' prepare to clock the bit
' into 1620
DQ_PIN = bit0 ' Send the data bit
high CLK ' latch data bit into 1620
b0 = b0/2 ' shift all bits right
' toward bit 0

' The shift_in subroutine gets a 9-bit
' temperature from the 1620
input DQ ' set the DQ pin to
' input mode
w0 = 0 ' clear w0
for b5 = 1 to 9
w0 = w0/2 ' shift input right.
low CLK ' ask 1620 for next bit
bit8 = DQ_PIN ' read the bit
high CLK ' toggle clock pin

' Displays the temperature in degrees C
if bit8 = 0 then pos ' if bit8=1
' then temp is negative
b0 = b0 &/ b0 ' invert b0 by NANDing it
' with itself
b0 = b0 + 1
serout LCD, n2400, (254, 1) ' clear the LCD
serout LCD, n2400, ("Temp = ") ' display "Temp="
' on the display
bit9 = bit0 ' save the half degree
b0 = b0 / 2 ' convert to degrees
if bit8 = 1 then neg ' see if temp is negative
serout LCD, n2400, (#b0) ' display positive temp
goto half
serout LCD, n2400, ("-", #b0)' display negative temp
if bit9 = 0 then even
serout LCD, n2400, (".5 C") ' display the half degree
goto done
serout LCD, n2400, (".0 C") ' display the half degree

If you run this program, you will find that it displays the
centigrade temperature with an accuracy of one-half degree.

The DS1620 measures temperatures in centigrade half-degrees.
It returns the temperature in a 9-bit 2s-complement number
with a range of -110 to 250 F (-55 to 125 C). You divide the
number you receive by 2 to get the actual temperature.
2s-complement binary numbers are a convenient way to
represent negative values. The following list shows the
values for a 4-bit 2s-complement number:

0111 : 7
0110 : 6
0101 : 5
0100 : 4
0011 : 3
0010 : 2
0001 : 1
0000 : 0
1111 : -1
1110 : -2
1101 : -3
1100 : -4
1011 : -5
1010 : -6
1001 : -7
1000 : -8

­ You can see that instead of the 4 bits representing values
from 0 to 15, the 4 bits in a 2s-complement number represent
the values -8 to 7. You can look at the left-most bit to
determine if the number is negative or positive. If the
number is negative, you can invert the bits and add 1 to get
the positive representation of the number.

Here's what goes on with the digital thermometer program
shown here:

1. It uses the symbol keyword to set up several constants
that make the program slightly easier to read (and also make
it easy for you to move the chip to different I/O pins on the

2. It sets the CLK and RST pins on the DS1620 to their
expected values.

3. It writes a command byte to the EEPROM on the DS1620 to
tell the chip to operate in "thermometer mode." Because the
mode is stored in EEPROM, you only have to do it once, so you
could technically take this section of the code out of the
program after you run the program once (to save program

4. The program sends the command $EE ("$" means
"hexadecimal number" -- $EE is 238 in decimal) to tell the
thermometer to start up its conversion process.

The program then enters a loop. Every second, it sends
a command to the DS1620 telling the DS1620 to return the
current temperature, and then it reads the 9-bit value that
the DS1620 returns into the w0 variable. The Stamp sends and
receives data 1 bit at a time by toggling the CLK line on the
DS1620. Remember that the w0 (16-bit) variable overlays the
b0/b1 (8-bit) variables, which overlay the
bit0/bit1/.../bit15 (1-bit) variables, so when you insert
a bit from the DS1620 into bit 8 and divide w0 by 2, what you
are doing is shifting each bit to the right to store the
9-bit temperature from the DS1620 into w0. Once the
temperature has been saved in w0, the display subroutine
determines whether the number is positive or negative and
displays it appropriately on the LCD as a centigrade
temperature. The conversion from degrees C to degrees F is:

dF = dC * 9/5 + 32

At this point, we have succeeded in creating an extremely
expensive thermometer. What might you do with it? Here's one
idea. Let's say you work for a drug company and you are
shipping expensive drugs across the country that MUST remain
at a certain temperature the entire way or the drugs will
spoil. What you can do with a Stamp is create a data logging
thermometer. Both Jameco (part number 143811) and Parallax
(part number 27960) sell a device called the "RAM Pack
module." It contains a low-power 8-kilobyte (or optionally
32-kilobyte) RAM chip with a serial interface. You could
add this component (or something similar) to your Stamp and
write code that saves temperature readings to the RAM every
minute. You could then slip your Stamp into the drug
shipment, and at the other end of the trip retrieve the
Stamp. The RAM module would contain the temperature history
of the entire trip and you would know whether or not the
drugs ever thawed out.

There are all kinds of neat, useful devices like this that
you can build with a Stamp now that you know how
microcontrollers work!

Creating a Really Expensive Digital Clock using microcontroller
October 11, 2009 at 10:13 am

First, Playing with a BASIC Stamp

If you would like to play with a BASIC Stamp, it's very easy
to get started. What you need is a desktop computer and
a BASIC Stamp starter kit. The starter kit includes the
Stamp, a programming cable and an application that you run on
your desktop computer to download BASIC programs into the

You can get a starter kit either from Parallax (the
manufacturer) or from a supplier like Jameco. From Parallax,
you can order the BASIC Stamp D Starter Kit (part number
27202), or from Jameco you can order part number 140089. You
will receive the Stamp, a programming cable, software and
instructions. The kit is $79 from both suppliers.
Occasionally, Parallax runs a special called "We've Bagged
the Basics" that also includes Scott Edward's Programming
and Customizing the BASIC Stamp Computer.

Hooking up the Stamp is easy. You connect it into the
parallel port of your PC. Then you run a DOS application to
edit your BASIC program and download it to the Stamp. Here is
a screenshot of a typical editor (in this case, the one from
Scott Edward's book).

To run the program in this editor, you hit ALT-R. The editor
application checks the BASIC program and then sends it down
the wire to the EEPROM on the Stamp. The Stamp then executes
the program. In this case, the program produces a square wave
on I/O pin 3. If you hook up a logic probe or LED to pin 3,
you will see the LED flash on and off twice per second (it
changes state every 250 milliseconds because of the PAUSE
commands). This program would run for several weeks off of
a 9-volt battery. You could save power by shortening the time
that the LED is on (perhaps it is on for 50 milliseconds and
off for 450 milliseconds), and also by using the NAP
instruction instead of PAUSE.

Now, Creating a Really Expensive Digital Clock

Spending $79 to flash an LED may seem extravagant to you.
What you would probably like to do is create something useful
with your BASIC stamp. By spending about $100 more you can
create a really nice digital clock! This may seem extremely
extravagant, until you realize that the parts are reusable in
a variety of other projects that you may want to build later.

Let's say that we would like to use the I/O pins on the BASIC
Stamp to display numeric values. 7447s would work just as well
with the BASIC Stamp. You could wire four of the I/O pins
straight into a 7447 and easily display a number between 0
and 9. Since the BS-1 Stamp has eight I/O pins, it is easy to
drive two 7447s directly like this.

For a clock, we need a minimum of four digits. To drive four
7447s with eight I/O pins, we have to be slightly more
creative. The diagram shows you one approach.

In this diagram, the eight I/O lines from the Stamp enter
from the left. This approach uses four lines that run to all
four 7447s. Then the other four lines from the Stamp activate
the 7447s in sequence ("E" on the chips means "Enable" -- on
a 7447, that would be the blanking input on pin 5). To make
this arrangement work, the BASIC program in the Stamp would
output the first digit on the four data lines and activate
the first 7447 by toggling its E pin with the first control
line. Then it would send out the value for the second digit
and activate the second 7447, sequencing through all four of
the 7447s like this repeatedly. By wiring things slightly
differently, you could actually do this with only one 7447.
By using a 74154 demultiplexer chip and some drivers, you
could drive up to 16 digits using this approach.

This is, in fact, a standard way to control LED displays. For
example, if you have an old LED calculator, turn it on and
shake it while watching the display. You will actually be
able to see that only one digit is ever illuminated at once.
The approach is called multiplexing the display.

While this approach works fine for clocks and calculators, it
has two important problems:

* LEDs consume a lot of power.
* 7-segment LEDs can only display numeric values.

An alternative approach is to use an LCD screen. As it turns
out, LCDs are widely available and can be easily hooked to
a Stamp. For example, the two-line by 16-character
alphanumeric display shown below is available from both
Jameco (part number 150990) and Parallax (part number 27910).
A typical display is shown here, mounted on a breadboard for
easier interfacing.

This sort of LCD has several advantages:

* The display can be driven by a single I/O pin. The
display contains logic that lets a Stamp communicate with it
serially, so only one I/O pin is needed. In addition, the
SEROUT command in Stamp BASIC handles serial communication
easily, so talking to the display is simple.
* The LCD can display alphanumeric text: letters, numbers
and even custom characters.
* The LCD consumes very little power -- only 3 milliamps.

The only problem is that one of these displays costs $59.
Obviously, you would not embed one of these in a toaster oven.
If you were designing a toaster oven, however, you would
likely prototype with one of these displays and then create
custom chips and software to drive much cheaper LCDs in the
final product.

To drive a display like this, you simply supply it with +5
volts and ground (the Stamp supplies both from the 9-volt
battery) and then hook one of the I/O pins from the Stamp to
the display's input line. The easiest way I have found to
connect the Stamp's I/O pins to a device like an LCD is to
use a wire-wrap tool (Jameco part number 34577) and 30-gauge
wire wrap wire (Jameco part number 22541 is typical). That
way, no soldering is involved and the connections are
compact and reliable.

The following BASIC program will cause a BASIC Stamp to
behave like a clock and output the time on the LCD (assuming
the LCD is connected to I/O pin 0 on the Stamp):

pause 1000 'wait for LCD display to boot
serout 0, n2400, (254, 1) 'clear the display
serout 0, n2400, ("time:") 'Paint "time:" on the display
'preset before loading program
b0 = 0 'seconds
b1 = 27 'minutes
b2 = 6 'hours

b0 = b0 + 1 'increment seconds
if b0 < 60 then minutes
b0 = 0 'if seconds=60
b1 = b1 + 1 ' then increment minutes
if b1 < 60 then hours
b1 = 0 'if minutes=60
b2 = b2 + 1 ' then increment hours
if b2 < 13 then show
b2 = 1 'if hours=13 reset to 1

serout 0, n2400, (254, 135) 'position cursor on display,
'then display time
serout 0, n2400, (#b2, ":", #b1, ":", #b0, " ")
pause 950 'pause 950 milliseconds
goto again 'repeat

In this program, the SEROUT commands send data to the LCD.
The sequence (254, 1) clears the LCD (254 is the escape
character and 1 is the command to clear the screen). The
sequence (254, 135) positions the cursor. The other two
SEROUT commands simply send text strings to the display.

This approach will create a reasonably accurate clock. By
tweaking the PAUSE statement you can get the accuracy to
within a few seconds a day. Obviously, in a real clock you
would like to wire up a push-button or two to make setting it
easier -- in this program, you preset the time before you
download the program to the Stamp.

While this approach is simple and works, it is not incredibly
accurate. If you want better accuracy, one good approach
would be to wire a real-time clock chip up to your Stamp.
Then, every second or so, you can read the time from the chip
and display it. A real-time clock chip uses a quartz crystal
to give it excellent accuracy. Clock chips also usually
contain date information and handle leap year correction

One easy way to interface a real-time clock to a stamp is to
use a component called the Pocket Watch B.

The Pocket Watch B is available from both Jameco (part number
145630) and Parallax (part number 27962). This part is about
as big as a quarter and contains the clock chip, crystal and
a serial interface so that only one I/O pin is necessary to
communicate with it. This component costs about $30 -- again,
not something you want to embed in a toaster oven, but easy
to play with when constructing prototypes.

October 11, 2009 at 10:11 am

Microcontrollers are hidden inside a surprising number of
products these days. If your microwave oven has an LED or
LCD screen and a keypad, it contains a microcontroller. All
modern automobiles contain at least one microcontroller, and
can have as many as six or seven: The engine is controlled by
a microcontroller, as are the anti-lock brakes, the cruise
control and so on. Any device that has a remote control
almost certainly contains a microcontroller: TVs, VCRs and
high-end stereo systems all fall into this category. Nice SLR
and digital cameras, cell phones, camcorders, answering
machines, laser printers, telephones (the ones with caller
ID, 20-number memory, etc.), pagers, and feature-laden
refrigerators, dishwashers, washers and dryers (the ones with
displays and keypads)... You get the idea. Basically, any
product or device that interacts with its user has
a microcontroller buried inside.

We will look at microcontrollers so that you can understand
what they are and how they work. Then we will go one step
further and discuss how you can start working with
microcontrollers yourself -- we will create a digital clock
with a microcontroller! We will also build a digital
thermometer. In the process, you will learn an awful lot
about how microcontrollers are used in commercial products.

What is a Microcontroller?

A microcontroller is a computer. All computers -- whether we
are talking about a personal desktop computer or a large
mainframe computer or a microcontroller -- have several
things in common:

* All computers have a CPU (central processing unit) that
executes programs. If you are sitting at a desktop computer
right now reading this article, the CPU in that machine is
executing a program that implements the Web browser that is
displaying this page.
* The CPU loads the program from somewhere. On your
desktop machine, the browser program is loaded from the hard
* The computer has some RAM (random-access memory) where
it can store "variables."
* And the computer has some input and output devices so
it can talk to people. On your desktop machine, the keyboard
and mouse are input devices and the monitor and printer are
output devices. A hard disk is an I/O device -- it handles
both input and output.

The desktop computer you are using is a "general purpose
computer" that can run any of thousands of programs.
Microcontrollers are "special purpose computers."
Microcontrollers do one thing well. There are a number of
other common characteristics that define microcontrollers. If
a computer matches a majority of these characteristics, then
you can call it a "microcontroller":

* Microcontrollers are "embedded" inside some other
device (often a consumer product) so that they can control
the features or actions of the product. Another name for
a microcontroller, therefore, is "embedded controller."

* Microcontrollers are dedicated to one task and run one
specific program. The program is stored in ROM (read-only
memory) and generally does not change.

* Microcontrollers are often low-power devices. A desktop
computer is almost always plugged into a wall socket and
might consume 50 watts of electricity. A battery-operated
microcontroller might consume 50 milliwatts.

* A microcontroller has a dedicated input device and
often (but not always) has a small LED or LCD display for
output. A microcontroller also takes input from the device it
is controlling and controls the device by sending signals to
different components in the device.

For example, the microcontroller inside a TV takes
input from the remote control and displays output on the TV
screen. The controller controls the channel selector, the
speaker system and certain adjustments on the picture tube
electronics such as tint and brightness. The engine
controller in a car takes input from sensors such as the
oxygen and knock sensors and controls things like fuel mix
and spark plug timing. A microwave oven controller takes
input from a keypad, displays output on an LCD display and
controls a relay that turns the microwave generator on and

* A microcontroller is often small and low cost. The
components are chosen to minimize size and to be as
inexpensive as possible.

* A microcontroller is often, but not always, ruggedized
in some way. The microcontroller controlling a car's engine,
for example, has to work in temperature extremes that
a normal computer generally cannot handle. A car's
microcontroller in Alaska has to work fine in -30 degree F
(-34 C) weather, while the same microcontroller in Nevada
might be operating at 120 degrees F (49 C). When you add the
heat naturally generated by the engine, the temperature can
go as high as 150 or 180 degrees F (65-80 C) in the engine

On the other hand, a microcontroller embedded inside
a VCR hasn't been ruggedized at all.

The actual processor used to implement a microcontroller can
vary widely. For example, the cell phone shown on Inside
a Digital Cell Phone contains a Z-80 processor. The Z-80 is
an 8-bit microprocessor developed in the 1970s and originally
used in home computers of the time. The Garmin GPS shown in
How GPS Receivers Work contains a low-power version of the
Intel 80386, I am told. The 80386 was originally used in
desktop computers.

In many products, such as microwave ovens, the demand on the
CPU is fairly low and price is an important consideration.
In these cases, manufacturers turn to dedicated
microcontroller chips -- chips that were originally designed
to be low-cost, small, low-power, embedded CPUs. The Motorola
6811 and Intel 8051 are both good examples of such chips.
There is also a line of popular controllers called "PIC
microcontrollers" created by a company called Microchip. By
today's standards, these CPUs are incredibly minimalistic;
but they are extremely inexpensive when purchased in large
quantities and can often meet the needs of a device's
designer with just one chip.

A typical low-end microcontroller chip might have 1,000 bytes
of ROM and 20 bytes of RAM on the chip, along with eight I/0
pins. In large quantities, the cost of these chips can
sometimes be just pennies. You certainly are never going to
run Microsoft Word on such a chip -- Microsoft Word requires
perhaps 30 megabytes of RAM and a processor that can run
millions of instructions per second. But then, you don't need
Microsoft Word to control a microwave oven, either. With
a microcontroller, you have one specific task you are trying
to accomplish, and low-cost, low-power performance is what is

Using Microcontrollers

In How Electronic Gates Work, you learned about 7400-series
TTL devices, as well as where to buy them and how to assemble
them. What you found is that it can often take many gates to
implement simple devices. For example, in the digital clock
post, the clock we designed might contain 15 or 20 chips. One
of the big advantages of a microcontroller is that software
-- a small program you write and execute on the controller --
can take the place of many gates. In this article, therefore,
we will use a microcontroller to create a digital clock. This
is going to be a rather expensive digital clock (almost
$200!), but in the process you will accumulate everything you
need to play with microcontrollers for years to come. Even if
you don't actually create this digital clock, you will learn
a great deal by reading about it.

The microcontroller we will use here is a special-purpose
device designed to make life as simple as possible. The
device is called a "BASIC Stamp" and is created by a company
called Parallax. A BASIC Stamp is a PIC microcontroller that
has been customized to understand the BASIC programming
language. The use of the BASIC language makes it extremely
easy to create software for the controller. The
microcontroller chip can be purchased on a small carrier
board that accepts a 9-volt battery, and you can program it
by plugging it into one of the ports on your desktop computer.
It is unlikely that any manufacturer would use a BASIC Stamp
in an actual production device -- Stamps are expensive and
slow (relatively speaking). However, it is quite common to
use Stamps for prototyping or for one-off demo products
because they are so incredibly easy to set up and use.

They are called "Stamps," by the way, because they are about
as big as a postage stamp.

Parallax makes two versions of the BASIC Stamp: the BS-1 and
the BS-2. Here are some of the differences between the two

Spec BS-1 BS-2

RAM 14 bytes 26 bytes
EEPROM 256 bytes 2 kilobytes
Max program length 75 instructions 600 instructions
Execution speed 2,000 lines/sec 4,000 lines/sec
I/O pins 8 16

The specific BASIC Stamp we will be using in the post is
called the "BASIC Stamp Revision D"

The BASIC Stamp Revision D is a BS-1 mounted on carrier board
with a 9-volt battery holder, a power regulator, a connection
for a programming cable, header pins for the I/O lines and
a small prototyping area. You could buy a BS-1 chip and wire
the other components in on a breadboard. The Revision D
simply makes life easier.

You can see from the previous table that you aren't going to
be doing anything exotic with a BASIC stamp. The 75-line
limit (the 256 bytes of EEPROM can hold a BASIC program about
75 lines long) for the BS-1 is fairly constraining. However,
you can create some pretty neat stuff, and the fact that the
Stamp is so small and battery operated means that it can go
almost anywhere.

Programming the BASIC Stamp

You program a BASIC Stamp using the BASIC programming
language. If you already know BASIC, then you will find that
the BASIC used in a Stamp is straightforward but a little
stripped-down. If you don't know BASIC, but you do know
another language like C, Pascal or Java, then picking up
BASIC will be trivial. If you have never programmed before,
you probably want to go learn programming on a desktop
machine first. Here is a quick rundown on the instructions
available in Stamp BASIC.

Standard BASIC instructions:

* - normal looping statement
* gosub - go to a subroutine
* goto - goto a label in the program (e.g. - "label:")
* if...then - normal if/then decision
* let - assignment (optional)
* return - return from a subroutine
* end - end the program and sleep

Instructions having to do with I/O pins:

* button - read a button on an input pin, with debounce
and auto-repeat
* high - set an I/O pin high
* input - set the direction of an I/O pin to input
* low - set an I/O pin low
* output - set the direction of an I/O pin to output
* pot - read a potentiometer on an I/O pin
* pulsin - read the duration of a pulse coming in on
an input pin
* pulsout - send a pulse of a specific duration out on
an output pin
* pwm - perform pulse width modulation on an output pin
* reverse - reverse the direction of an I/O pin
* serin - read serial data on an input pin
* serout - write serial data on an output pin
* sound - send a sound of a specific frequency to
an output pin
* toggle - toggle the bit on an output pin

Instructions specific to the BASIC Stamp:

* branch - read a branching table
* debug - send a debugging string to the console on the
desktop computer
* eeprom - download a program to EEPROM
* lookdown - return the index of a value in a list
* lookup - array lookup using an index
* nap - sleep for a short time
* pause - delay for the specified time
* random - pick a random number
* read - read a value from EEPROM
* sleep - power down for the specified time
* write - write data to EEPROM


* + - addition
* - - subtraction
* * - multiplication (low-word)
* ** - multiplication (high-word)
* / - division
* // - mod
* max - return maximum of 2 values
* min - return minimum of 2 values
* & - AND
* | - OR
* ^ - XOR
* &/ - NAND
* |/ - NOR
* ^/ - XNOR

If statement logic:

* =
* <>
* <
* <=
* >
* >=
* OR


All variables in the BS-1 have pre-defined names (which you
can substitute with names of your own). Remember that there
are only 14 bytes of RAM available, so variables are
precious. Here are the standard names:

* w0, w1, w2...w6 - 16-bit word variables
* b0, b1, b2...b13 - 8-bit byte variables
* bit0, bit1, bit2...bit15 - 1-bit bit variables

Because there are only 14 bytes of memory, w0 and b0/b1 are
the same locations in RAM, and w1 and b2/b3 are the same, and
so on. Also, bit0 through bit15 reside in w0 (and therefore
b0/b1 as well).

I/O pins
You can see that 14 of the instructions in the BS-1 have to
do with the I/O pins. The reason for this emphasis is the
fact that the I/O pins are the only way for the BASIC Stamp
to talk to the world. There are eight pins on the BS-1
(numbered 0 to 7) and 16 pins on the BS-2 (numbered 0 to 15).

The pins are bi-directional, meaning that you can read input
values on them or send output values to them. The easiest way
to send a value to a pin is to use the HIGH or LOW functions.
The statement high 3 sends a 1 (+5 volts) out on pin 3. LOW
sends a 0 (Ground). Pin 3 was chosen arbitrarily here -- you
can send bits out on any pin from 0 to 7.

There are a number of interesting I/O pin instructions. For
example, POT reads the setting on a potentiometer (variable
resistor) if you wire it up with a capacitor as the POT
instruction expects. The PWM instruction sends out
pulse-width modulated signals. Instructions like these can
make it a lot easier to attach controls and motors to the
Stamp. See the documentation for the language for details.
Also, a book like Scott Edward's Programming and Customizing
the BASIC Stamp Computer can be extremely helpful because of
the example projects it contains.

Diodes and Transistors
October 11, 2009 at 10:10 am

A device that blocks current in one direction while letting
current flow in another direction is called a diode. Diodes
can be used in a number of ways. For example, a device that
uses batteries often contains a diode that protects the
device if you insert the batteries backward. The diode simply
blocks any current from leaving the battery if it is
reversed -- this protects the sensitive electronics in the

A semiconductor diode's behavior is not perfect, as shown in
this graph.

When reverse-biased, an ideal diode would block all current.
A real diode lets perhaps 10 microamps through -- not a lot,
but still not perfect. And if you apply enough reverse
voltage (V), the junction breaks down and lets current
through. Usually, the breakdown voltage is a lot more voltage
than the circuit will ever see, so it is irrelevant.

When forward-biased, there is a small amount of voltage
necessary to get the diode going. In silicon, this voltage is
about 0.7 volts. This voltage is needed to start the
hole-electron combination process at the junction.

Another monumental technology that's related to the diode is
the transistor. Transistors and diodes have a lot in common.


A transistor is created by using three layers rather than the
two layers used in a diode. You can create either an NPN or
a PNP sandwich. A transistor can act as a switch or
an amplifier.

A transistor looks like two diodes back-to-back. You'd
imagine that no current could flow through a transistor
because back-to-back diodes would block current both ways.
And this is true. However, when you apply a small current to
the center layer of the sandwich, a much larger current can
flow through the sandwich as a whole. This gives a transistor
its switching behavior. A small current can turn a larger
current on and off.

A silicon chip is a piece of silicon that can hold thousands
of transistors. With transistors acting as switches, you can
create Boolean gates, and with Boolean gates you can create
microprocessor chips.

The natural progression from silicon to doped silicon to
transistors to chips is what has made microprocessors and
other electronic devices so inexpensive and ubiquitous in
today's society. The fundamental principles are surprisingly
simple. The miracle is the constant refinement of those
principles to the point where, today, tens of millions of
transistors can be inexpensively formed onto a single chip.

October 11, 2009 at 10:09 am

Semiconductors have had a monumental impact on our society.
You find semiconductors at the heart of microprocessor chips
as well as transistors. Anything that's computerized or uses
radio waves depends on semiconductors.

Today, most semiconductor chips and transistors are created
with silicon. You may have heard expressions like "Silicon
Valley" and the "silicon economy," and that's why -- silicon
is the heart of any electronic device.

A diode is the simplest possible semiconductor device, and is
therefore an excellent beginning point if you want to
understand how semiconductors work. In this article, you'll
learn what a semiconductor is, how doping works and how
a diode can be created using semiconductors. But first, let's
take a close look at silicon.

Silicon is a very common element -- for example, it is the
main element in sand and quartz. If you look "silicon" up in
the periodic table, you will find that it sits next to
aluminum, below carbon and above germanium.

Carbon, silicon and germanium (germanium, like silicon, is
also a semiconductor) have a unique property in their
electron structure -- each has four electrons in its outer
orbital. This allows them to form nice crystals. The four
electrons form perfect covalent bonds with four neighboring
atoms, creating a lattice. In carbon, we know the crystalline
form as diamond. In silicon, the crystalline form is
a silvery, metallic-looking substance.

Metals tend to be good conductors of electricity because they
usually have "free electrons" that can move easily between
atoms, and electricity involves the flow of electrons. While
silicon crystals look metallic, they are not, in fact, metals.
All of the outer electrons in a silicon crystal are involved
in perfect covalent bonds, so they can't move around. A pure
silicon crystal is nearly an insulator -- very little
electricity will flow through it.

But you can change all this through a process called doping.

Doping Silicon

You can change the behavior of silicon and turn it into
a conductor by doping it. In doping, you mix a small amount
of an impurity into the silicon crystal.

There are two types of impurities:

* N-type - In N-type doping, phosphorus or arsenic is
added to the silicon in small quantities. Phosphorus and
arsenic each have five outer electrons, so they're out of
place when they get into the silicon lattice. The fifth
electron has nothing to bond to, so it's free to move around.
It takes only a very small quantity of the impurity to create
enough free electrons to allow an electric current to flow
through the silicon. N-type silicon is a good conductor.
Electrons have a negative charge, hence the name N-type.

* P-type - In P-type doping, boron or gallium is the
dopant. Boron and gallium each have only three outer
electrons. When mixed into the silicon lattice, they form
"holes" in the lattice where a silicon electron has nothing
to bond to. The absence of an electron creates the effect of
a positive charge, hence the name P-type. Holes can conduct
current. A hole happily accepts an electron from a neighbor,
moving the hole over a space. P-type silicon is a good

A minute amount of either N-type or P-type doping turns
a silicon crystal from a good insulator into a viable (but
not great) conductor -- hence the name "semiconductor."

N-type and P-type silicon are not that amazing by themselves;
but when you put them together, you get some very interesting
behavior at the junction. That's what happens in a diode.

A diode is the simplest possible semiconductor device.
A diode allows current to flow in one direction but not the
other. You may have seen turnstiles at a stadium or a subway
station that let people go through in only one direction.
A diode is a one-way turnstile for electrons.

When you put N-type and P-type silicon together as shown in
this diagram, you get a very interesting phenomenon that
gives a diode its unique properties.

Even though N-type silicon by itself is a conductor, and
P-type silicon by itself is also a conductor, the combination
shown in the diagram does not conduct any electricity. The
negative electrons in the N-type silicon get attracted to the
positive terminal of the battery. The positive holes in the
P-type silicon get attracted to the negative terminal of the
battery. No current flows across the junction because the
holes and the electrons are each moving in the wrong

If you flip the battery around, the diode conducts
electricity just fine. The free electrons in the N-type
silicon are repelled by the negative terminal of the battery.
The holes in the P-type silicon are repelled by the positive
terminal. At the junction between the N-type and P-type
silicon, holes and free electrons meet. The electrons fill
the holes. Those holes and free electrons cease to exist, and
new holes and electrons spring up to take their place. The
effect is that current flows through the junction.

UMPC Battery Life
October 11, 2009 at 10:08 am

Ultra-Mobile PC (part 2)

One of the biggest issues for any portable device is how it
uses power and whether its batteries can run an entire
eight-hour day without having to be recharged. While the UMPC
is still too new to determine whether this will be the case,
there are several indications from Microsoft staff and from
analysts that it will be a very power-hungry device. Part of
the problem is that 7-inch screen, which consumes a great
deal of power. Microsoft is aiming for at least a two-hour
battery profile, but early testers say that even that amount
of time will be hard to deliver. This means that batteries
won't be able to last as long as watching your average movie
on the UMPC.

Michael Gartenberg of Jupiter Research wrote in his blog,
"What is missing? Battery life. Right now these machines
really need to be sold with a higher capacity battery if
you're going to use one as a life style device going through
the day."

There are numerous notebooks available today that offer three
or more hours of battery life, including ones from Sony,
Fujitsu and Motion Computing. Of course, these are all larger
form factors and thus able to have bigger batteries included
to last longer.

To counteract this issue, Microsoft has tried to finesse
things by offering more advanced power management on the UMPC.
Like many of today's more advanced multimedia laptops, the
unit will have a special quick boot sequence that will bring
up an embedded OS to run movies or play music files.

Dustin Hubbard at Microsoft writes in his blog, "The Samsung
unit actually has 2 boot modes on a 3 way power switch - On,
Off and AVS Multimedia (that's their name for this mode).
AVS Multimedia can do near instant on by booting into what
appears to be XP Embedded (as far as I can tell that is what
they are doing) and allows you to play movies, music and
photos without requiring you to boot into full XP. That gives
you 2 advantages; presumably better battery life by not
having so many services running in the background and fast
cold boot startup for media only consumption."

Touch Pack Enhancements

Microsoft has developed a special series of operating system
enhancements to the tablet OS to take advantage of the UMPC
platform. Called the "Touch Pack," these enhancements will
optimize the touch screen experience. It has five
applications: a program launcher, a series of touch
improvements to the normal Windows UI, a Brilliant Black skin
for Media player, a Sudoku game, and Dial Keys,
a thumb-based on-screen keyboard for inputting text.

"Currently the Touch Pack is available only to UMPC qualified
computers and only as an OEM pre-install," says Hubbard.
"The Touch Pack was designed specifically for small form
factor PCs."

Microsoft's Mitchell says, "Microsoft Touch Pack for Windows
XP software optimizes the touch screen user interface for
UMPCs to simplify navigation and ease-of-use while on the go.
The Touch Pack's customizable Program Launcher organizes
software programs into categories, and uses large buttons and
icons to make it easy to find and open your favorite

Most of the marketing materials that show screen shots of the
UMPC feature views of this application.

There are several components to the Touch Pack. The first one
is "Touch Improvements." This utility makes about 10
different settings changes to Windows such as widening the
scroll bars and enlarging the minimize and maximize buttons,
shows folders in thumbnail view. Next is a new skin for
Windows Media Player called "Brilliant Black." This skin
fills the screen on the devices with large buttons to
navigate the media controls such as play, stop and volume.

The third Touch Pack program is "DialKeys." This program,
built by Fortune Fountain Ltd., is a way to input text with
your thumbs. Dial Keys makes it easy to enter URLs, e-mail
addresses, et cetera.

"DialKeys basically takes a standard QWERTY keyboard layout
and splits it in two halves. It's a little hard to describe
the layout but there are lots of screen shots of DialKeys to
show what it looks like. The basic idea is that you hold the
device in two hands and use your thumbs on the screen to type
in text. It takes a little getting used to, but people are
always amazed once they use it a day or two how good they get
at typing with it," says Hubbard on his blog.

The final product in the Touch Pack is a Sudoku game. The
version is optimized for touch and the pen.

Manufacturing and Cost

UMPCs from Samsung, Asus, and Founder are based on Intel
microprocessors. PaceBlade Japan announced a UMPC, known as
the SmartCaddie, that uses a VIA Technology chip.

Samsung's Q1 went on sale in the second quarter of 2006 with
a manufacturer's suggested retail price of $1,099. Another
UMPC, manufactured by AMtek and available the United States
as the TabletKiosk eo v7110, retails for $899. Asus' and
Founder's UMPC should be available later this year. One
vendor that hasn't announced any UMPC yet is Motion Computing,
although the company sells a variety of tablet PCs in various
shapes and sizes.

"We see it as validation and reinforcement of where we were
headed with tablet PCs," says Bert Haskell of Motion
Computing. "We were drawn into the ultra-mobile tablets by
our customers who wanted a higher level of mobility. It is
nice to see that Microsoft is creating the same type of
vision for a consumer-oriented product."

Motion sells its tablets for the enterprise, and through the
reseller channel, largely aimed at equipping sales forces and
hospital staffs. "We have a significantly different focus in
that we are looking at high-powered enterprise computing,"
says Haskell. Motion sells their tablets with higher-end
components, such as with Pentium M CPUs and 60 GB hard disks
with 1GB of RAM. " We are set up to understand and service
the needs of the enterprise customers. We don't currently
target consumer markets. If and when we decide to make that
transition, it would be a pretty significant change for us,"
he said.

Microsoft has promised that once Vista ships that the UMPC
will be able to run some version of Vista as well, but since
the new OS isn't yet finished it is hard to make any
definitive claims in this area. "The Vista requirements
aren't out yet, but realistically if the units have the
hardware specifications that Vista requires they should be
able to run it," says Microsoft's Hubbard.

Just because the UMPC runs the tablet version of XP doesn't
mean that every tablet-based application is worth running on
it, however. "To be clear though not all tablet-enabled apps
will make sense on a UMPC and not all UMPC apps will make
sense on a traditional tablet," says Hubbard. "The small form
factor and touch interaction of UMPC means that to have
a really great user experience you need to design your UI to
really take advantage of those assets." So chances are if
UMPCs do take off, we will see differentiated applications
over time that take advantage of its touch-screen features
and enhancements that Microsoft is building into the units.

UMPCs overall are expected will cost less than most tablets
and more than most PDAs. It depends on what configurations
the various vendors will initially offer and how they will be
priced in local markets. Price is definitely an issue that
has gotten some analysts going about the new units.

"To me, one of the most important things about this, is
price," stated Bob O'Donnell, program vice president for
clients and displays at IDC. "If it's under $500, it's
a fancy gadget. People spend that much on iPods. So there's
this sense that, at a low price point, it could be very
interesting and very appealing. Think about all the free WiFi
networks that are out there now that you could use this thing
with, and it gives you a full browsing experience as opposed
to trying to browse on a two-inch cell phone, which is
a horrendously useless experience. And yet people are getting
more and more used to having information access almost
anywhere they are, at almost any time."

Scott Fulton of, sums things up the best about
UMPC's shortcomings: "But what we have instead is something
that's larger than the average pocket, that can't dial out,
that doesn't have a discrete way to connect to the outside
world, is somewhat expensive, and perhaps most unanticipated
of all, is power-hungry."

So what will happen with the UMPC? Only time will tell. If
manufacturers can get several hours of battery life, if the
costs can drop way below $1000, if the touch experience works
out for many new users, and if the right distributors pick up
the products, this could be a winning product for Microsoft
and its OEMs. Hitting all of these targets won't be easy, to
be sure. But there is plenty of interest in UMPC and the size
of the devices is very appealing.

Ultra-Mobile PC (part 1)
October 11, 2009 at 10:06 am

It isn't often that Microsoft announces a completely new
concept in computing, but at CeBIT 2006 in Hanover, Germany,
the software giant finally unveiled details about its
Origami Project to a worldwide audience.

Microsoft created the Origami Project to develop (with
various hardware and software partners) a new type of
computer that falls in-between the size of a typical PDA and
tablet PC, uses a standard Windows operating system and costs
less than $1000: the Ultra-mobile PC, or UMPC.

The Microsoft team originally used "Origami" as a code name,
and they liked it so much that they kept it for the project's
public community Web site. One of the program's managers was
interested in Japanese culture and liked the name, which
refers to the art of intricate paper folded sculptures.

Clearly, there is a need for a smaller form factor than the
traditional notebook PC. PDAs don't run standard Windows OS,
and many tablets are too heavy to carry around all the time.
Gartner, an IT research Web site, posits that the UMPC space
should have the following advantages:

* An eight-hour battery life.
* A sub-$400 price.
* Low-cost, compelling content bundles from partners like
Intel and Microsoft.
* A better Microsoft shell/interface running on top of
* Text entry options beyond thumb-typing.
* Dock-and-go synchronization, requiring minimal user
* Sustained market momentum from Microsoft and Intel.

These are all worthy goals, but the initial UMPC units won't
deliver on all of these points at first. In this post, we'll
show you what Microsoft has planned for the UMPC and what is
still to come. We'll also talk about how these new computers
will work and how they differ from tablets and PDAs.

Ultra-mobile PC Software

The UMPC is unique in that it runs regular Windows OS -- it
currently runs XP Tablet edition and will run Vista in the
future. While there are many PDAs and PDA/phone combinations
that run Windows Mobile (such as the Palm Treo 700w) it isn't
the same as running the stock XP OS loaded onto millions of
desktop and laptop computers. Windows Mobile requires new
versions of applications to be compatible with that OS, and
the applications have to take advantage of the smaller
screens on these devices. The goal of UMPC is to
run off-the-shelf Windows applications, with no medications
whatsoever other than supporting the tablet/touch screen

The UMPCs that Microsoft announced are small devices -- they
weigh less than two pounds and have seven-inch video screens.
This puts it in a new market segment not currently served by
any particular manufacturer. It is smaller than the smallest
tablet PCs that are currently available from Motion and
Fujitsu, and lighter than the Aopen MiniPC (a desktop model
that doesn't include any screen at all). It is also bigger
than the OQO PC. The other distinction is that the UMPC will
be lessexpensive than the typical tablet.

"Origami isn't an iPod killer per se, it's rather a new class
of device that will compete with other devices that cost
about the same," says Michael Gartenberg, an analyst at
Jupiter Research, using the original code name for the UMPC.
"That means portable media players, game machines, GPS units
and the like will face some new challenges. Much like there
were PCs with TV tuners long before MCE, the power of MCE was
really the 10-foot UI. The power of Origami is really in the
10" UI."

Bill Mitchell, corporate vice president of Microsoft's Windows
Mobile Platforms Division said, "While the first generation of
UMPCs will run Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005, future
models will run on Windows Vista."

Ultra-mobile PC Hardware

This isn't the first time that Microsoft has tried to promote
touch-screen tablets: Windows Tablet PCs have been around for
nearly a decade, and XP Tablet edition is on its second
iteration with all sorts of usability improvements. But the
UMPC is another step in this evolution.

In one report, Bill Mitchell said, "The touch-enhanced
display can be used as an on-screen QWERTY keyboard [using
Dial Keys] to navigate, or users can employ a stylus to input
handwritten information. They can also input content with
a traditional keyboard, linked either by USB port or wireless
Bluetooth connectivity."

Not all implementations of all UMPCs will have Bluetooth
ports, but the initial crop of vendors have promised this,
along with support for various USB and BT keyboards. This is
very similar to the tablet PCs that are currently on the
market: some come with keyboards and all offer support for
either pen or keyboard input devices.

Other input ports are planned for the devices, including:

* Wired Ethernet and WiFi networking connectors.
* Compact Flash card slots.
* USB v 2.0 ports.
* An external VGA monitor port.
* Various buttons and connectors for audio operations.
* Support for stereo microphones with built-in noise
reduction and echo cancellation.
* A remote control for the Media Center PC application.

There will be units with a variety of processors, including
the Intel Celeron M, Intel Pentium M and VIA C7-M. No AMD
chipsets are in any of the announced plans yet.

Microsoft's goal was to use off-the-shelf displays that are
in common consumer electronics devices to keep the costs down.
They settled on seven-inch VGA displays that had 800 x 480
native resolution and can handle 800 x 600 with some loss of

"The form factor was based around a 7-inch display panel,
a size that is currently a standard size in the electronics
industry due to broad adoption of that size display in the
portable DVD player and automotive markets," said Microsoft's
Otto Berkes in a newspaper interview. "Why use some new
custom size when a potentially good one already exists?"

These plans for the UMPC differ from the existing Motion
Computing tablets. The Motion displays use high-contrast,
non-glare, active digitizers, meaning that the pen sold with
the tablet is the only way to enter information. The UMPC
displays are general touchscreens that can work with a finger
or any other object for input. "We designed our 8.4-inch
display to meet the needs of legacy enterprise applications,
because many of these applications are designed for SVGA
(800 x 600) resolution," said Bert Haskell, a product manager
for Motion Computing. The UMPC displays are designed for
showing widescreen movies.

Which is better to use for a cable modem, a USB connection or an Ethernet card?
October 11, 2009 at 10:05 am

USB port has a maximum data rate of 12 megabits per second
(Mbps). However, of that available bandwidth, an individual
USB device can use only up to 6 Mbps. And if you have several
devices attached to the USB ports and they pump lots of data,
this competition may further lower the data rate.

An Ethernet card, on the other hand, connects directly to the
computer's bus. Ethernet cards come in two flavors: one that
accepts 10 Mbps, and another that accepts 100 Mbps.

If you are on a cable modem late at night with no one else
sharing the line (see How Cable Modems Work for a discussion
on sharing), the cable modem can run at data rates faster
than 10 Mbps. In normal circumstances, however, a few
megabits per second is far more likely. Taking this into
account, you could install a 100-Mbps Ethernet card if you
want the best possible peak performance.

Also, an Ethernet card is likely to be more consistent, since
it is dedicated to network traffic (as opposed to a USB
connection, which may handle traffic from a number of
devices). One difference is the ease of installation. To
install an Ethernet card, you have to open the computer
casing, while the USB option takes 5 seconds to plug it in.

How do I add a USB device to my computer if I am out of ports?
October 11, 2009 at 10:05 am

Just about every peripheral made now comes in a USB version.
Here's a list of some of the USB devices that you can buy

* Printers
* Scanners
* Mice
* Joysticks
* Flight yokes
* Digital cameras
* Webcams
* Scientific data acquisition devices
* Modems
* Speakers
* Telephones
* Video phones
* Storage devices like Zip drives
* Network connections

Most computers that you buy today come with only one or two
USB sockets. With so many USB devices on the market today,
you easily run out of sockets very quickly. For example, on
the computer that I am typing on right now, I have a USB
printer, a USB scanner, a USB Webcam and a USB network
connection. My computer has only one USB connector on it, so
the obvious question is, "How do you hook up all the devices?"

The easy solution to the problem is to buy an inexpensive USB
hub. The USB standard supports up to 127 devices, and USB
hubs are a part of the standard.

A hub typically has four new ports, but may have many more.
You plug the hub into your computer, and then plug your
devices (or other hubs) into the hub. By chaining hubs
together, you can build up dozens of available USB ports on
a single computer.

Hubs can be powered or unpowered. The USB standard allows for
devices to draw their power from their USB connection (all
USB cables contain two wires -- for +5 volts and ground).
A high-power device like a printer or scanner will have its
own power supply, but low-power devices like mice and
digital cameras get their power from the bus. The power
(up to 500 milliamps at 5 volts) comes from the computer. If
you have lots of self-powered devices (like printers and
scanners), then your hub does not need to be powered --
none of the devices connecting to the hub need additional
power, so the computer can handle it. If you have lots of
unpowered devices like mice and cameras, you probably need
a powered hub. The hub has its own transformer, and it
supplies power to the devices that connect to the hub so the
devices do not overload the computer's power supply.

The Universal Serial Bus can easily handle both a scanner and
a printer, even if you are scanning and printing at the same
time. The original USB supports up to 12 megabits per second,
and USB 2.0 supports up to 480 megabits per second --
considering that most devices consume only 6 megabits per
second, you can definitely run more than one device at
a time.

Why You Need a Video Submission Service?
October 11, 2009 at 10:02 am

Have you ever think how to submit videos online? Do you need to put videos on a website? Why is there so much video today online? There was a recent headline in "Money" magazine that asked "How Online Videos Can Make You Rich" that referred to servers and bandwidth, but the fact of the matter remains that there is a lot more video online than ever before and the numbers appear to be rising.

People tend to like video better than content online. They would rather watch a video than read content. This should come as no surprise to anyone as most people today would rather watch television than read a book. It should also come as no surprise to anyone that video marketing is so hot. By incorporating SEO into video marketing such as the Meta tags and titles, video marketing has a chance to do what other ads cannot - and that is get discovered by the search engines.

And because the search engines love video, video ads tend to rank higher in the search engines than regular content. But you have to make sure that your video is search engine optimized. You cannot just submit it and hope for the best. Chances are that a non SEO video will get buried in the search engines, losing its full potential.

When you get a video that is fully optimized and is submitted to a site like You Tube for viewing, you have the chance of millions of people viewing the video. Because it will rank higher in the search engines than regular content as well as a non SEO video, you have an opportunity to pull potential customers to your video from the search engines. After viewing your video, the same people are likely to come to your site and hopefully, buy your product.

In order to be successful at creating a video, you have to have the right tools as well as knowledge. You will normally pay about $2,500 for a video to be created for you in a studio. This amount depends upon the length of the video as well as the content. Unless you are familiar with compression and formatting tools, chances are that you will most likely pay someone to create the video for you.

But creating the video is not enough. You have to then submit it to the right sites. Not just YouTube, but the other sites online that are viewed frequently and will accept your video. There are at least 50 of them that will take your SEO video. The submission may take a lot of time on your part, but is a necessary step in marketing your video.

Once that step has been completed and your SEO video has been submitted, you then have to market your video online. This entails submitting the video to the search engines, posting in blogs, forums and book marking the blogs on social networks. This can be time consuming, but is a necessary step towards getting your video to come to life online. If you do not have the time to market your video, you can get a video submission service to help you with this project.
Finally, video submission is a great one that lets you to submit your video easily on any website and will not take a long time.

Online Video Websites
October 11, 2009 at 10:01 am

There are many video websites which full of many video and allow any one submit their video or favorite shoots such as YouTube and Metacafe. Are an individual who loves getting your entertainment online? If so, there is a good chance that you know what online video sites are. In fact, there is also a good chance that you have visited, at least, one before. If you have, what did you think of the videos that you saw? If you liked them, did you rate them or leave any comments? If not, you should have

As previously mentioned, online video websites are a source of entertainment for many internet users. This is because many online video websites allow you to view their videos free of charge. Of course, there are some video sites that will charge you to become a member or charge you a fee for watching certain videos, but most are free to use. This is why online video websites offer the best possible source of online entertainment, because they are free to use or at least reasonably priced.

When it comes to finding a video online, you will find that it all depends on the online video website that you are visiting. Videos that you should be able to find online may include, but should not be limited to music videos, homemade videos, celebrity interviews, sports recaps, and television shows. Most online video sites have a large collection of homemade videos. These videos are made by individuals, just like you. Many individuals go through a lot of trouble to make their own video and upload it to share with you. That is why it is advised that you rate all of the videos that you see and leave comments, if they are allowed.

Perhaps, the most important reason why you should leave comments on a video website is to make your opinions known. Many internet users leave positive comments when they have viewed a video that they thought was well put together. In addition to positive comments, there are also internet users who leave negative comments, as well. If you were offended or left unsatisfied by watching a video, you can leave a negative comment. When leaving a negative comment, it is advised you be as tasteful as can be. You will not just want to say that the video stunk, but you may also want to offer helpful suggestions.

Video makers love getting comments, especially those that focus on the positive points of their video, but that is not the only reason why you should leave a comment. There are a number of different online video websites that rank their member's videos in a number of different ways. Many online video websites rank videos by their user ratings, but others rank their videos by the number of comments that their videos have. YouTube is one of those websites. So, not only could you be making your opinions known, but you could also help to increase the ranking of the video that you just watched and enjoyed.

As you can easily see, there are a number of different reasons why you should leave a comment on a video that you watched online. Although a fairly large number of online video websites allow you to post video comments, not all will. In the event that comments are not allowed, you will, at least, want to rate the video. Almost all video websites will allow you to do this.

Mobile Ringtone Business
October 11, 2009 at 10:00 am

The Mobile phone Industry has evolved drastically over the past few years. When the first cell phones rolled into the market in the 1990s, nobody ever expected that those bulky boxes would develop into sleek, beautiful and powerful machines that could (aside from sending and receiving calls) take a picture, make a video, and sing. Also, we hear now a different kind of ringtones either funny, song or regular ones. We find many websites full of ringtones for mobile which allow you choose what you like. Initially a technological wonder to connect with people to a sophisticated device effectively a part of your personality! What brought about this change? And who does it really benefit?

The answer to the first question would be the outburst of the personalization trend and the changing consumerist demands. MP3 Ringtone Industry is a humungous industry for the simple reason that it allows you to make your mobile sing your favorite song when someone remembers you. A mobile phone with its contents has the ability to make you laugh, cry, happy, sad, and nostalgic and a lot more whenever you want it to. Although this wasn't the case a few years back.

So how did it all start? The MP3 Ringtone syndrome!! Free MP3 Ringtones are readily available on the web and this has led to an increase in personalization. This desire to personalize mobile phones has established the present success of the mobile Industry. Today, when the marketing gurus see this impact of the Mobile industry on the masses, they take advantage of it. Many companies start to advertise their campaigns through mobile phones. Whether it is text messages to promote products and services or direct advertising through mobile music or mp3 ring tones, the rise in the number of mobile content providers reflects the success of many such advertising strategies.

The Music Industry also benefits significantly. Statistics prove that mobile music downloads is growing by over 50 per cent every year. Artists become famous in the process. Musicians supplement their incomes and record companies celebrate at the revenue source.

Mobile mp3 ringtones have in fact opened up a whole new revenue stream for record labels struggling with falling revenues and piracy. Many experts believe that in certain ringtone heavy markets, record labels will sign up artists with the objective of generating revenues only from mobile content. Other avenues would become secondary to it. The same holds true for the movie industry. Content like mp3 ringtones, wallpapers, and ring back tones based on films is a huge draw and is today a large part of revenue forecast plans of movie studios.

The mobile content has also spurred a whole new content industry; several small and medium enterprises have been set up to develop content specifically for the mobile phone platform.

At the centre of this axis is the telecom carrier, who takes a significant share of revenue for each mobile content download. Telecom carriers too have set up separate mobile content / VAS divisions to harness the revenue potential of the medium. The mobile mp3 ring tone industry has its own ecosystem, with each player drawing its share of revenue from every ring tone that gets downloaded by the user.

The Best Way to Clean Printer Ink Cartridges
October 11, 2009 at 10:00 am

As we know, anyone use computer needs for a printer to print out whatever he/she wants either for work or school. Also, each part in the printer is sensitive and must to handle it carefully. Because printer ink cartridges are so expensive, it is important to make your inkjet last as long as you can. Instead of replacing a clogged or dirty inkjet, you can manually clean it yourself to get it back into good working order.

The following is a guide on how to clean your printer ink cartridge:

1. Before you start the process of cleaning the cartridge, find out the type of cartridge that have. Most HP ink cartridges have the print head on the cartridge, but other brands may be a bit different. Check your owner's manual or check the website for specifics. The information will tell you what part of the ink system you need to clean. It will always be the print head that you will clean, so it is important that you know where it is located.

2. Use filtered, bottled, or distilled water, and then dip a cotton swab into the warmed water. Wipe around the nozzle plate with the swab. Make sure that you clean center of the ink cartridge as this is the actual nozzle plate. Also, do not touch the copper colored areas as they are very fragile. If the swab gets too filthy, use another clean swab dipped in the water until there is no sign of any debris in the area.

3. Remove the cartridge from its holder. If you have a cartridge with the print head on it, run under hot water for 10 seconds. Let the ink cartridge dry for a few minutes before you insert it back into the printer.

4. To clean the printer head nozzle, set the cartridge on the work surface with the ink surface nozzle facing up. Moisten the swab with distilled water. Make sure to squeeze out any surplus water from the swab. Wipe the surface of the nozzle tip with the swab.

5. Dry the cartridge with a soft cloth. Wait until completely dry and then reinstall. If that does not work, remove the cartridge again. Moisten a cotton swab with glass cleaner and swab the print head. Dry with a soft cloth.

6. Reinstall the print cartridge to the printer. Align the print cartridge with your printers alignment function.

7. If your print head is inside the machine, you can repeat the same process as in Step 4. It is important to make sure that you let the print head air dry, or dry it with a cotton swab before using.

It is important to clean your printer cartridge before using it and after an extended period of time. As well, do not use tap water as the impurities can damage the cartridge. For particularly difficult dirt and clogs, you can soak the print head in Windex overnight, dry it off completely, and then reinstall.

To maintain your inkjet and avoid constantly cleaning it, you can just run a few test pages on your printer once a week to preserve ink flow. Cleaning your printer ink cartridge is much easier and cheaper than going out to buy a new cartridge.

Steps to Put New Ink in a Printer Cartridge
October 11, 2009 at 10:00 am

An ink cartridge, or inkjet cartridge, is a replaceable piece of an ink jet printer that contains the ink. Each ink cartridge contains one or more divided ink reservoirs. Replacing an ink jet can be expensive, especially if you do a lot of printing or copying. Fortunately, many manufacturers have developed refillable ink for ink cartridges. Most often, people can save up to 50% or more over a replacement cartridge. The Ink jet refill kits contain easy to use tools and easy to follow instructions for refilling an ink cartridge.
The following are general instructions to putting ink in a printer cartridge:

1. Buy an ink refill kit at an office supply store, computer store, or department store.

2. Gather all of the materials you will need to refill the cartridge. This can include: syringe, latex gloves, and paper towel

3. Remove the empty cartridge from the printer. Depending on what type of printer you have, there may be a particular method of cartridge removal. Refer to your printer manual on how to refill a unique type of ink cartridge.

4. Place the empty cartridge on a piece of paper towel.

5. Find the fill holes on the top of the cartridge by sliding your finger across the label.

6. Use a pencil or tooth pick to puncture the refill holes in the top of the ink cartridge.

7. Insert the long needle of the syringe on the refill ink bottle into the correct hole.

8. Little by little, add the ink. It is important to make sure that you do not over-fill. It is usually 10 cc for black ink and about 5 to 8 cc for colored ink.

9. Stop when you observe ink coming out of the hole. Remove the needle from the hole after expelling any remaining ink.

10. Carefully pat the cartridge contacts on the paper towel to observe a spot of ink leaking out.

11. Cover the hole with a tiny piece of clear tape. Make sure you do not transfer the colors.

Repeat steps for each ink color. There are three colors of ink: magenta, cyan, and yellow. Follow the instructions on which hole to insert each color or push a toothpick into the holes to ascertain the colors as the markings on the printer cartridge

12. Put the ink cartridge back into the printer.

13. Leave the ink cartridge in the printer for about 12 hours before using it. This will permit the sponge inside the cartridge to become uniformly soaked with the ink.

14. Print several test pages to make sure the ink is running.

There are a number of different methods to refilling your ink cartridge. The benefits of refilling include that they are much cheaper than replacing a used cartridge with a brand new cartridge, and they help keep ink out of the environment which is toxic to the soil. You also will help reduce the amount of garbage going into the landfill. The next time your ink cartridge runs out of ink, consider purchasing an ink refill kit.

Recover your Data after Virus attacks
October 11, 2009 at 9:59 am

Virus is a threat to every computer whether used at home or in any organization. Does a virus attack your computer and make you confused? . Most of us must have encountered a data loss after a virus attack on our computer. Those who haven't may face a virus attack in future. A virus basically is a computer program, which is capable enough to destroy the entire data saved in the hard drive of a computer system.

Who creates these computer viruses?

Programmers with good knowledge of various computer programming languages create such malicious applications, which are intelligent enough to target certain loopholes like open ports, code vulnerability etc. of the computer operating system or BIOS.

What are the main causes and consequences of a computer virus?

The main cause of a computer virus is the connection of the computer system to the internet. Most of the viruses attack the computers when a user is downloading any file from the internet. Viruses can attack your system when you are downloading an attachment (containing the virus) from your email. Installation of poor anti-virus software can also lead to virus attack on your computer. If no firewall is installed on the computer or the network (hardware firewall) can result in virus attack.

The main consequences of a fatal virus attack are as follows:

1) Loss of data viz. from My Documents folder in Windows as the viruses target files with certain extensions as well
2) Operating system file corruption viz. Windows/System/System32 folder files get infected in Windows
3) System performance degradation
4) Instable computer behavior

In order to protect the computer from viruses, users install anti-virus software, firewall, and spyware.

Out of the above consequences, the worst that a user encounters is the loss of important data. In order to recover the lost and corrupted data, the user needs to use effective data recovery software. This data recovery software uses advanced scanning algorithms to restore the lost data, which has been affected by a computer virus.

Stellar Information System Ltd. provides the finest data recovery software. The data recovery technicians at Stellar Information System Ltd. are equipped with good technical skills, which allow them to extract complete data from any storage device that is affected by a computer virus. These technicians perform data recovery process from the storage devices in sterilized surroundings in Class 100 Clean Rooms. Stellar Information System Ltd. has more than 1,000,000 customers worldwide and the list is increasing on daily basis.
If there is any virus in your computer, don't worry about the important data you lost because you can recover them easily.

What is The Best Tool for Video Editing?
October 11, 2009 at 9:59 am

The best technology nowadays is computer. Computers were designed to make things easier for us and a lot faster. That is also true with using computers for video editing. Computers are being used for video editing nowadays because it saves a lot of time. If you are familiar with computers it will be a lot easy and you can finish the job in about an hour. Using computers for video editing is known as Digital Video Editing. All you have to do is just take a video or a shot then connect your camcorder to the computer. After that you can start editing it and add whatever filters or titles you want to put.
The computer will play an important part in making you video a good one. You have to download or install video editing software first. Also, check your computer. You must have a CPU processor that is fast. The CPU processor is the life of the computer for this is where information is stored. As like what they say the muscle and the brains of a computer. If the CPU is fast, it will produce better edited videos and you could check or preview the video at present time.

Large Hard Drives is also a must in using computers for video editing. You will not only use software for editing but usually the files of the video are large therefore consuming a large space on your hard drive. This is essential in creating a high quality video. It is also recommended that you get an external hard drive so that you will still have enough space for your computer's hard drive. It is a good way to store your videos if you use an external hard drive. A factor to consider is the RAM that you have in your computer. It is one of the factors that will give your computer a good performance as well as create a good quality video. You may use 1GB of RAM but if you can upgrade it to 2GB it will be better.

Hardware equipment for video editing has two kinds: analog and digital. We use video capture card for analog format. This will transfer analog picture from your computer to other sources like television, analog camcorder and VCR and will format it to digital video. Firewire is also available and in demand. This video editing hardware equipment allows us to transfer the video in digital format thus making us capture the video digitally and would not have to go to the process of transferring video from analog to digital format.

With digital video editing we can make simple videos like your summer vacation or a special occasion a quality video. Chances of making a documentary film is also big just by using digital video editing. It is less expensive. Also, the image quality will not diminish since we are using digital format. We can further enhance the video instead of making it poorer in quality. Computers will make your video editing faster, easier and would produce quality videos that you may benefit in the future.
Enjoy the advantages that computer allows you to edit your videos and make whatever you like by the computer and its programs.

Computer Checkup
October 11, 2009 at 9:57 am

The more you use your computer, the slower it seems to get. At least, that is the general consensus among many average computer users. It is a pretty common phenomenon to see a computer that is mainly used for checking email and playing solitaire eventually bog down to nearly a grinding halt. Also, we preserve many files and documents and download a lot of videos and sounds. The problem is that these computers are not broken, as many owners would assume, but they are simply clogged with garbage, such as spyware or the occasional computer virus. So the question comes up, when was the last time you ran a good computer checkup on your system? As the saying goes, well, that is too long.

You can always disconnect your computer tower and drag it down to your local computer repair shop and hope that they will not charge you very much to check it out. The truth is, they most likely will. Part of that will be labor, which can run you anywhere from $30 per hour and up. Most people are not aware of it, but it is very easy to perform a computer checkup on your own. And it is also a whole lot cheaper to do it yourself.

A couple common fixes for a slow computer are very simple to perform. In fact, this can get your computer running nicely again in no time.

First, you will want to go to the start menu and run 'msconfig'. Under the startup tab, you will want to uncheck any programs that are not necessary to Windows performance - and most of them are not. If you make a mistake, after a reboot you can always recheck the disabled program to start it again when you next power cycle your machine. This should always be your first step when doing a computer checkup where your system is running slowly. If you know what you are looking for, you can find all sorts of things in here that can slow you down, including viruses. It is good to be familiar with this trick.

Second, you will most likely want to download a free spyware removal tool from a reputable internet site. Be sure to do your research, because there are many programs that pretend to be a helpful program, but in fact hide spyware of their own, trying to trick you into purchasing their product. Once you get your program, install it, upgrade the definition tables, and scan your system. Do not be surprised if you find a bunch of things...this is a common problem.

Next, you will want to follow suit and download and install a good quality antivirus program. Also be sure to do your research and select a reputable program, because like anti-spyware programs, there are nasty bugs in disguise with these, too. Do a quick computer checkup with this as well.

The last tip is a great one. Simply do the above, then drop in another RAM stick. You will see a very noticeable boost in computer performance, and with all of these steps you will have that good old system back up in no time.
So try to checkup your computer from time to time in order not to make it runs slowly. This will help to make your computer as a new brand.

What is the Benefit from Internet Computer Games?
October 11, 2009 at 9:57 am

Have you ever think to play a computer game? A number of people play computer games as computer games are fun-packed and allow players to enjoy their time. Computer games are also very exciting and this is one of the reasons of the popularity of computer games. Playing fun-packed computer games is one of the best ways to kill the time and to relax. However, not everyone is in the favor of computer games as people usually spend a lot of time on computer games because of the excitement and fun offered by them.
Also, an individual usually forgets about the real-world problems while playing computer games and this is one of the reasons why not everyone is in the favor of games. However, computer games have a number of benefits as well, but it depends on the player whether he uses computer games in a correct way or not. Excess of anything is not good and this is also applicable to the time spend on computer games. It depends on an individual whether he uses computer games in a beneficial way or not.

Benefits of computer games:

An individual can improve the decision-making skills by playing computer games. In strategy based computer games, the player needs to make optimal use of limited resources in order to complete the missions. A plan has to be developed in order to use resources efficiently and to make a perfect plan, a number of things are to be considered and a number of decisions are to be made. Generally, the player needs to think ahead of the current situation and develop appropriate plans.

The ability to think forward in real-life is very useful and the people who can think ahead of the current situation usually have the plans ready for handling different situations. Sometimes in a game, decisions are to be made with-in few seconds and so, the player needs to think fast so as to make a decision. So, individuals who are not very good at making strategies and decisions can play computer games so as to improve the decision-making skills. However, you should not expect instant results as it takes time to improve the skills and the time required to improve the skills depends on the mental ability of the person.

Computer games also help individuals to improve their ability to memorize things correctly. Some games require players to remember the clues, maps, and the location in order to play the game easily. So, players try to memorize and re-collect various things while playing games. This helps them to remember and re-collect things easily in real-world. Remembering and re-collecting things in real-life is very useful and by playing computer games, an individual can improve his ability to memorize things.

People who play computer games are found to have better eye-hand coordination than people who don't play computer games. While playing computer games, players need to use eyes and hands together. Players need to use hands to use the buttons which are required for performing different tasks available in the game and eyes are needed to see the game. The current situation of the game determines the task to be performed and so, the player needs to use hands and eyes together in order to play the game efficiently.

Computer games help individuals to improve their ability to solve puzzles. A number of puzzle games are available which require players to think logically so as to solve the puzzle. So, people can improve their ability to solve puzzles by playing puzzle-based computer games.
So, computer games can offer entertainment and improve people skills and abilities. Besides that, it gives them a wonderful time.

What are the Color Laser Printers?
October 11, 2009 at 9:56 am

There are many kinds and shapes of printers and each one gives us a lot things. Nowadays, black-and-white color printing is replaced with color printing. Your business promotion can impress your client at a glance just by looking your presentation and advertisement. It's absolutely undoubted that Color is more attractive. The more color you take, the more eye catches you get. It doesn't mean that black-and-white color is not interesting. In some cases, it looks so classy.
The other customer behavior now is that they are more interesting in laser printers than inkjet printers. Laser printers reduce the cost per page and the printers won't bothered you with it noise. Have you remember printing using dot matrix printer can be annoying because of its sounds. That annoying noise you won't get with laser printers.
And now printer manufactures are race each others to get the biggest customer in markets. They produce so many types of color laser printers. All come with its own design and features. Then how you can choose the right printer for you in many types of Color Laser Printers? Some factor below may be your consideration before deciding.
Resolution, which usually have unit called dpi (Dots per inch) function as number that show the color sharpness. The higher the dpi, the sharper color you get. If you use the printer more for text, choose at least 600x600 dpi. And for printing more than a text, use the printer with 1200x1200 dpi.

And if your Color Laser Printers use network to share it, consider its memory. Check the RAM capacity of the Color Laser Printers and whether it's expandable. Related to networking, if your printer is for sharing, consider this feature.

Another thing that you should consider is printer speed. In usual, it can be seen from its ppm (print per minute) and how long the Color Laser Printer takes to print the first page. For example, you need to print 100 pages at a time, if you using 8-ppm printer, it would take about fifteen minutes. But it only can be a minute with 35-ppm laser printer. This option you should consider if there is a need for printing a large amount of documents.

Then, are you need to print the document in dual side? If the answer is yes, you should look the duplex printing feature. Some Color Laser Printer come with this function, but the price is more expensive.

The last thing, you may consider about paper tray and paper size. Which paper size you often use? Standard Color Laser Printer usually provide for letter and A4 size. But if you or your business needs the bigger size, you should find the printer that can be used for large printing. The paper tray is useful to efficient your time. It can hold the paper, letterhead, or envelope. So you don't need to swap and refill the paper each time you printing.

Start your search by considering all factors above. Then, perhaps you can find the most appropriate Color Laser Printer that will help your printing job.

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