Sunday, October 11, 2009


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How to Build Stairs
October 11, 2009 at 9:39 am

How to Build StairsStairs can be quite tricky to build. But with a good mathematical sense and architecture a good DIYer can build stairs.

There are three things that make stairs. The stringer, riser and tread. Understandign building standard stair can give you a fair idea of creating different types and varieties of stair cases.

The stringer are the sides of the stairs that hold the stiars. The riser is the height of the stairs and tread is the width of the stairs. The complete height of the stairs is calculated from the landing point to the upper floor. The landing point can be platform or deck or the floor of the lower level room.

Before building stairs one has to calculate the height and width of the stairs. Count the number of steps you will need in the stairway. Measure each step. The stringer will serve as the frame to lay the stairs

How to Build Stairs

Build the stringer the two sides of the stairway and take measurement of the space. Calculate the number of risers. Make marking of

how and each step will be laid. The shape of the space determines these measurements. A slight twisting stairway can be different from a straight stairway that has no twist and turns.

Create pieces of the riser or steps to be laid. Try and fir the first one. Remember the sleeping lines and standing lines taught to you at the beginning of school. The stairs work the same way a standing line over a sleeping line.

Fix the first step and test it. Check if your calculations are correct.

Now start attaching the other stringer and riser by nailing them or using joist hangers. Attach them to the deck framing. Keep going till the end.

Now you can sand the steps to give them a smooth look. Use some wood lacquer to stain it in a warm brown tint.

Watch a video instruction on how to build stairs

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How to Cite a Book
October 11, 2009 at 4:35 am

How to Cite a BookCiting a book correctly can be the most annoying part of writing an essay, research paper or term paper. However, citing a book is important and not as difficult as it seems to be.

Get all the information you will need. Any book's information can be found on the first or the last pages of the book. Collect the author's name, publication name, location of publishing, and the date of publishing.

Now create a bibliography of works cited page. You can use the next page to title the page as Works cited

Now write the author details. Write, author's last name first, then the date.

Now add the book's title and underline it

Write the name of the city where the book was published. Put the state name. Add a colon and write the publisher's name and after that the date of publication and the year of publication.

When you are citing a book while writing a paper, remember to cite a book in a single sentence. Just add the author's name before the quote. Use quotation marks before the quote. Add the page number of the quote too. Indent the quotaion for about one inch,

If you do not want to write the author's name in a single sentence use the name at the end of the quote. Use quotation marks around the quote. Use author's name and quote page number of the quote in the parenthesis. Punctuate the sentence after the page number has been written.

Watch a video instruction on how to cite a book

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How to Build Your Own Bass
October 11, 2009 at 12:27 am

How to Build Your Own BassYou love playing the bass guitar and now you are ready to build your own. Well before you begin purchasing the wood and other articles it is better to first buy a kit of a do it yourself bass guitar and understand the dynamics of building a bass guitar. Once you know how to do it you can do everything yourself right from scratch.

Select a bass guitar kit from a musical instrument supplier or buy it online.

Start with the neck of the guitar and tape it on the fretboard on the front with a masking tape. Apply some wood lacquer wood finish to the head piece of the neck. Let ir dry and repeat the same on the other side. This will give the neck of the bass a nice deep brown hue.

Now use a sand paper to smoothen the body of the bass guitar. Do it on both sides and wipe off the dust to get a smooth surface.
Now paint a coat of primer on both sides of the guitar and let it dry for a few days. If there are any rough spots or drip marks, sand it, making it smooth for painting.

Paint both the sides evenly. Let it dry for a day or two. Now give it a second coat of paint.How to Build Your Own Bass

Now get the cutaway section of the guitar and attach the neck of the guitar. With a screwdriver fix the fix screws on all four sides. Now place the tuners at the top of the neck of the bass. Fix them with screws you will find in your bass kit

Get a soldering iron and fix the control plate of your bass guitar. Take a center contact wire and solder it to the volume pot on the control plate. Next solder the another wire connected to the volume pot that you have to solder to the input jack piece.

Now place the pickguard on the body of your guitar. Use screws to to attach it to the body of the bass.

Now put the brass pick ups in the right slots. Now fix wires at the bottom of the body where the control plate will be fixed.

Now take the other wires from the bass pickups and solder them to the volume pot on the control plate. Now fix the control plate. Use a screwdriver to fasten it well. Now fix the tone control knobs on the control plate.

At the very bottom of the guitar fasten the bridge of the bass. String up your guitar, tune it and test if all wires are fixed right.

Add some decorations if you want by adding stickers or just a typographical alphabet or write your name on your bass guitar.

Watch a video instruction on how to build your own bass

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How to Cut Scene Hair
October 10, 2009 at 7:31 pm

how to make your hair scene.jpgSo you want to have hairdo that makes heads turn. Why not? If you want to have scene hair, you can cut it yourself. It's that easy. You can follow the step by step instructions and suggestion to have your mane done scenish.

  1. You can begin by washing your hair clean and free it of all residues.
  2. Blow dry a little so you are able to part your hair into sections because you need to create different layers starting from top going down to the ends.
  3. Now clip your hair in different sections, not very thick. Clip them up. Remember, a scene hair cut is just like getting layers done in your hair.
  4. Now using a razor comb start chopping of hair beginning from how short you want the first layer to be. Keep moving downward as you chop hair. Use it carefully.
  5. Repeat the same on the other side. Once you are done, use a scissor and comb to cut straight bangs or flicks.
  6. You can colour your hair black or a colour of your choice to highlight your scene hair.
  7. Always try to keep the upper part shorter. That will give a strong effect to your scene.
  8. Once you are done, spray up and set them the way you like it.
  9. If you think this is too much for you, you can go to a salon and get a scene done. From the next time you need a trim you can do it yourself with a razor comb.
  10. A hair spray will always keep your scene still and the way you want it to be styled. So keep a hair spray handy always.

Watch a video instruction on how to cut scene hair

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How to Use a Clutch
October 10, 2009 at 2:20 pm

How to Use a ClutchHave a motorcycle, but still struggling with the clutch? Well you surely will learn how to use it since you have a bike. A few dedicated efforts and regular riding will give you a fair sense of judgement about using a bike.

However you need help for learning how to use a clutch and you sure can go step by step reading the instructions and master the art of using a motorcycle clutch.

  1. The clutch the lever sticking out next to the handle grips. Hold down this lever when you start the bike or shift gears.
  2. While you are holding the clutch shift the bike into neutral. Keep holdin it and toe down the shifting lever until you can no longer go any lower. Toe it up one step and you will get back into neutral.
  3. Now start the bike there will either be an automated push button of you have top kick and start the bike. Most bikes start with a kick.
  4. Now shift the bike down to first.
  5. You will feel a jolt as the bike falls into gearHow to Use a Clutch
  6. Now release the clutch slowly. This will give the power to your bike to start off. Releasign the clutch at this step is very important. You cannot release it too slow or too fast. You have to maintain the momentum.
  7. When the bike has started and is in the first gear you need te release the clutch fast.
  8. If you release it very fast the bike might jolt and stop completely. If you release it very slow then the engine might simply stop. This means going through the entire process again.
  9. Keep your ears open and listen to your bike. The motors will be making a noise. You will hear a high buzzing sound.
  10. Hold the clutch, let go off the throttle and shift the bike up.
  11. Let off the clutch and give the bike some throttle
  12. While you are shifting gears now, you will slip from neutral to directly the second gear.

Using your motorcycle clutch is more of a judgement than learning instructions. Start off your bike and it will give you a new lesson each day. Keep trying until you completely reign your bike and each step is second nature to you.

Watch a video instruction on how to use a clutch

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How to Cook Beef Ribs
October 10, 2009 at 9:06 am

How to Cook Beef RibsBeefs ribs can make an excellent dinner treat. Beef ribs tend to be larger that pork or goat ribs. They also have more meat on them. The tenderest meat that comes from a cow is the meat around the ribs. A large number of people are greatly fond of beef ribs and there is no wonder why once you know how to cook them.

There are many ways to cook beef ribs. You can choose to cook beef ribs in an oven, grill or a live charcoal grill. Here's how to cook beef ribs and relish them too.

Get the grill or oven ready

To begin with preheat oven at about 400 degrees and grill for 10 to 20 minutes. Remember beef takes longer to cook therefore use heat accordingly. If you are going to use a charcoal grill let the charcoal burn till they are shen and glowing red.
You can simply light them with a matchstick or sprinkle a little oil to get well burnt charcoal. Keep a fan near your charcoal grill than can fire it up quickly to cook as needed.

Prepare the meat

Preparing the meat requires it to be seasoned with just salt pepper at the least. You can even try some stock seasoning, salt, pepper and oregano.

Now put it in a pan and keep it in the oven. Allow it to be cooked for 40-45 minutes.

How to Cook Beef Ribs

If you are going to grill them on flames then place gauze over the charcoals and keep the ribs on it. Keep them for 5-7 minutes on each side before flipping it around.

While cooking the beef ribs

If you are cooking them on open flames then you could sprinkle drops of olive oil over the cooking meat. Let the meat cook well.

Now baste the meat over the flames with barbeque sauce or sweet onion sauce on both sides and let it cook for 2-3 minutes. Do the same for the meat in the oven and cook it for another minute or two.

Now the beef ribs are ready to serve. You could serve it with some sauces, steamed zucchini, squeeze some fresh lime over it or get a few peppermint leaves to go along with it. You could even use a salsa dip to add to the fun.

Watch a video instruction on how to Cook beef ribs

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